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Dichotomous Leaf Key

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So far you have made the following choices...


A tree generally has a single upright stem and reaches a height of 20 feet.

Some species are shrubs in harsh climates and trees in moderate climates.

shrub Shrubs are low branching, suckering, or have multiple stems and do not reach 20 feet in height.
bramble Most people recognize brambles, which include roses and blackberries.
vine Vines require some extra help for support. They hold on to the support by twining, growing tendrils, or aerial roots.
My leaf is from a tree
My leaf is from a shrub
My leaf is from a bramble, rose, or soft-wooded shrub with arching canes
My leaf is from a climbing or scrambling vine

Cacti do have leaves - they are reduced to spines.

palm Palms are common in warm regions.
yucca Yuccas can be found in many loacations but are more common is deserts.
slender or scaly vine Slender or Scaly leaves can be found on pines, junipers, and other genera.
broadleaf Broadleaf includes genera with narrow leaves, such as the willows.
Broad leaves
Slender or scaly leaves
My leaf is palm-like
My leaf is slender and strap-like (the yuccas)
I have a cactus, with leaves that are reduced to spines

Possible matches:

There were 560 matches to your search.

print this native? Abies amabilis - Pacific silver fir

print this native? Abies balsamea - balsam fir     Landowner Factsheet

print this native? Abies bracteata - bristlecone fir

print this native? Abies concolor - white fir     Landowner Factsheet

print this native? Abies fraseri - Fraser fir     Landowner Factsheet

print this native? Abies grandis - grand fir     Landowner Factsheet

print this native? Abies koreana - Korean fir

print this native? Abies lasiocarpa - subalpine fir     Landowner Factsheet

print this native? Abies magnifica - California red fir

print this native? Abies nordmanniana - Nordmann fir

print this native? Abies pinsapo - Spanish fir

print this native? Abies procera - noble fir

print this native? Acacia auriculiformis - earleaf acacia

print this native? Acacia koa - koa

print this native? Acer buergerianum - trident maple

print this native? Acer campestre - hedge maple

print this native? Acer circinatum - vine maple

print this native? Acer floridanum - Florida maple

print this native? Acer ginnala - Amur maple

print this native? Acer glabrum - Rocky Mountain maple

print this native? Acer grandidentatum - bigtooth maple

print this native? Acer griseum - paperbark maple

print this native? Acer macrophyllum - bigleaf maple     Landowner Factsheet

print this native? Acer miyabei - Miyabe maple

print this native? Acer negundo - boxelder

print this native? Acer nigrum - black maple

print this native? Acer palmatum - Japanese maple

print this native? Acer pensylvanicum - striped maple

print this native? Acer platanoides - Norway maple

print this native? Acer pseudoplatanus - sycamore maple

print this native? Acer rubrum - red maple

print this native? Acer saccharinum - silver maple

print this native? Acer saccharum - sugar maple

print this native? Acer tataricum - Tatarian maple

print this native? Acer truncatum - Shantung maple

print this native? Acoelorrhaphe wrightii - Everglades palm

print this native? Adenostoma sparsifolium - redshanks

print this native? Aesculus californica - California buckeye

print this native? Aesculus flava - yellow buckeye

print this native? Aesculus glabra - Ohio buckeye

print this native? Aesculus hippocastanum - horsechestnut

print this native? Aesculus pavia - red buckeye

print this native? Aesculus sylvatica - painted buckeye

print this native? Afrocarpus gracilior - fern pine

print this native? Ailanthus altissima - tree-of-Heaven

print this native? Albizia julibrissin - mimosa

print this native? Alnus glutinosa - European black alder

print this native? Alnus incana ssp. rugosa - speckled alder

print this native? Alnus incana ssp. tenuifolia - thinleaf alder

print this native? Alnus oblongifolia - Arizona alder

print this native? Alnus rhombifolia - white alder

print this native? Alnus rubra - red alder     Landowner Factsheet

print this native? Alnus viridis ssp. sinuata - Sitka alder

print this native? Amelanchier alnifolia - Pacific serviceberry

print this native? Amelanchier arborea - downy serviceberry

print this native? Amelanchier canadensis - shadblow serviceberry

print this native? Amelanchier laevis - Alleghany serviceberry

print this native? Amorpha fruticosa - desert false indigo

print this native? Annona glabra - pond apple

print this native? Aralia spinosa - Devil's walking stick

print this native? Araucaria araucana - monkeypuzzle tree

print this native? Arbutus menziesii - Pacific madrone

print this native? Arbutus xalapensis - Texas madrone

print this native? Arctostaphylos columbiana - hairy manzanita

print this native? Arctostaphylos glauca - bigberry manzanita

print this native? Asimina triloba - pawpaw

print this native? Avicennia germinans - black mangrove

print this native? Betula alleghaniensis - yellow birch     Landowner Factsheet

print this native? Betula lenta - sweet birch

print this native? Betula nana - bog birch

print this native? Betula nigra - river birch     Landowner Factsheet

print this native? Betula occidentalis - water birch

print this native? Betula papyrifera - paper birch     Landowner Factsheet

print this native? Betula pendula - European weeping birch

print this native? Betula populifolia - gray birch

print this native? Betula uber - roundleaf birch

print this native? Betula utilis - Himalayan white birch

print this native? Bucida buceras - black olive

print this native? Bursera fagaroides - fragrant bursera

print this native? Bursera microphylla - elephant tree

print this native? Bursera simaruba - gumbo-limbo

print this native? Callitropsis nootkatensis - Alaska yellow-cedar

print this native? Calocedrus decurrens - incense-cedar

print this native? Canotia holacantha - crucifixion thorn

print this native? Caragana arborescens - pea tree

print this native? Carica papaya - papaya

print this native? Carnegiea gigantea - saguaro cactus

print this native? Carpinus caroliniana - hornbeam

print this native? Carpinus japonica - Japanese hornbeam

print this native? Carya aquatica - water hickory

print this native? Carya cordiformis - bitternut hickory

print this native? Carya glabra - pignut hickory

print this native? Carya illinoinensis - pecan

print this native? Carya laciniosa - shellbark hickory

print this native? Carya myristiciformis - nutmeg hickory

print this native? Carya ovalis - red hickory

print this native? Carya ovata - shagbark hickory

print this native? Carya pallida - sand hickory

print this native? Carya tomentosa - mockernut hickory

print this native? Castanea dentata - American chestnut     Landowner Factsheet

print this native? Castanea mollissima - Chinese chestnut

print this native? Casuarina equisetifolia - Australian pine

print this native? Catalpa bignonioides - southern catalpa

print this native? Catalpa speciosa - northern catalpa

print this native? Ceanothus cordulatus - whitethorn ceanothus

print this native? Ceanothus spinosus - greenbark ceanothus

print this native? Ceanothus thyrsiflorus - blueblossom

print this native? Cedrus atlantica - Atlas cedar

print this native? Cedrus libani - cedar of Lebanon

print this native? Celtis africana - white stinkwood

print this native? Celtis laevigata var. laevigata - sugarberry

print this native? Celtis laevigata var. reticulata - netleaf hackberry

print this native? Celtis occidentalis - hackberry

print this native? Celtis pumila - dwarf hackberry

print this native? Cephalanthus occidentalis - buttonbush

print this native? Cephalotaxus fortunei - Chinese plum-yew

print this native? Cercis canadensis - eastern redbud

print this native? Cercis chinensis - Chinese redbud

print this native? Cercis orbiculata - western redbud

print this native? Cercocarpus intricatus - littleleaf mountain-mahogany

print this native? Cercocarpus ledifolius - curlleaf mountain-mahogany

print this native? Cercocarpus montanus - mountain-mahogany

print this native? Chamaecyparis lawsoniana - Port-Orford-cedar

print this native? Chamaecyparis obtusa - Hinoki falsecypress

print this native? Chamaecyparis thyoides - Atlantic white-cedar     Landowner Factsheet

print this native? Chilopsis linearis - desert-willow

print this native? Chionanthus virginicus - fringetree

print this native? Chrysobalanus icaco - cocoplum

print this native? Chrysolepis chrysophylla - golden chinkapin

print this native? Cinnamomum camphora - camphortree

print this native? Citrus spp. - citrus

print this native? Cladrastis kentukea - yellowwood

print this native? Cliftonia monophylla - buckwheat tree

print this native? Coccoloba uvifera - seagrape

print this native? Cocos nucifera - coconut palm

print this native? Conocarpus erectus - buttonwood

print this native? Cornus alternifolia - alternate-leaf dogwood

print this native? Cornus drummondii - roughleaf dogwood

print this native? Cornus florida - flowering dogwood

print this native? Cornus nuttallii - Pacific dogwood

print this native? Corylus colurna - Turkish hazel

print this native? Cotinus coggygria - European smoketree

print this native? Cotinus obovatus - American smoketree

print this native? Crataegus douglasii - black hawthorn

print this native? Crataegus monogyna - oneseed hawthorn

print this native? Crataegus spp. - hawthorn

print this native? Cupressus sempervirens - Italian cypress

print this native? Cylindropuntia imbricata - tree cholla

print this native? Cyrilla racemiflora - swamp cyrilla

print this native? Davidia involucrata - dove tree

print this native? Diospyros virginiana - common persimmon

print this native? Dracaena draco - dragontree

print this native? Ebenopsis confinis - ejoton

print this native? Elaeagnus angustifolia - Russian-olive

print this native? Elaeagnus commutata - silverberry

print this native? Elaeagnus pungens - thorny-olive

print this native? Elaeagnus umbellata - autumn-olive

print this native? Erythrina corallodendron - coral tree

print this native? Eucalyptus caesia - gungurru

print this native? Eucalyptus camaldulensis - river red gum

print this native? Eucalyptus cordata - silver gum

print this native? Eucalyptus globulus - blue gum

print this native? Eucalyptus nitens - shining gum

print this native? Eucalyptus polyanthemos - silver dollar gum

print this native? Eucalyptus woodwardii - lemon-flowered gum

print this native? Fagus grandifolia - American beech

print this native? Fagus orientalis - Oriental beech

print this native? Faidherbia albida - winter thorn

print this native? Ficus aurea - strangler fig

print this native? Ficus carica - common fig

print this native? Ficus macrophylla - Moreton Bay fig

print this native? Firmiana simplex - Chinese parasoltree

print this native? Fouquieria columnaris - boojum tree

print this native? Frangula alnus - glossy buckthorn

print this native? Frangula caroliniana - Carolina buckthorn

print this native? Frangula purshiana - Cascara buckthorn

print this native? Franklinia alatamaha - Franklin tree

print this native? Fraxinus americana - white ash

print this native? Fraxinus angustifolia - narrowleaf ash

print this native? Fraxinus anomala - singleleaf ash

print this native? Fraxinus caroliniana - Carolina ash

print this native? Fraxinus dipetala - two-petal ash

print this native? Fraxinus latifolia - Oregon ash

print this native? Fraxinus nigra - black ash

print this native? Fraxinus pennsylvanica - green ash

print this native? Fraxinus profunda - pumpkin ash

print this native? Fraxinus quadrangulata - blue ash

print this native? Fraxinus velutina - Arizona ash

print this native? Garrya fremontii - bearbrush

print this native? Ginkgo biloba - ginkgo

print this native? Gleditsia aquatica - waterlocust

print this native? Gleditsia triacanthos - honeylocust     Landowner Factsheet

print this native? Gordonia lasianthus - loblolly bay

print this native? Guaiacum angustifolium - soapbush

print this native? Guaiacum coulteri - guayacan

print this native? Guaiacum officinale - lignum-vitae

print this native? Gymnocladus dioicus - Kentucky coffeetree

print this native? Halesia diptera - two-wing silverbell

print this native? Halesia tetraptera - silverbell

print this native? Hamamelis virginiana - witch-hazel

print this native? Hamamelis xintermedia - hybrid witch-hazel

print this native? Hesperocyparis arizonica - Arizona cypress

print this native? Hesperocyparis bakeri - Baker cypress

print this native? Hesperocyparis forbesii - Tecate cypress

print this native? Hesperocyparis macrocarpa - Monterey cypress

print this native? Heteromeles arbutifolia - toyon

print this native? Hydrangea paniculata - panicle hydrangea

print this native? Ilex amelanchier - sarvis holly

print this native? Ilex cassine - dahoon

print this native? Ilex chinensis - Kashi holly

print this native? Ilex coriacea - large gallberry

print this native? Ilex decidua - deciduous holly

print this native? Ilex montana - mountain holly

print this native? Ilex mucronata - catberry

print this native? Ilex myrtifolia - myrtle holly

print this native? Ilex opaca - American holly

print this native? Illicium floridanum - Florida anise tree

print this native? Illicium parviflorum - yellow anisetree

print this native? Jatropha cuneata - limberbush

print this native? Juglans californica - California black walnut

print this native? Juglans cinerea - butternut

print this native? Juglans hindsii - Hind's black walnut

print this native? Juglans major - Arizona walnut

print this native? Juglans microcarpa - little walnut

print this native? Juglans nigra - black walnut

print this native? Juniperus californica - California juniper

print this native? Juniperus chinensis - Chinese juniper

print this native? Juniperus communis - common juniper

print this native? Juniperus deppeana - alligator juniper

print this native? Juniperus occidentalis - western juniper

print this native? Juniperus pinchotii - redberry juniper

print this native? Juniperus scopulorum - Rocky Mountain juniper

print this native? Juniperus virginiana - eastern redcedar

print this native? Kalmia latifolia - mountain laurel

print this native? Koeberlinia spinosa - allthorn

print this native? Koelreuteria paniculata - goldenraintree

print this native? Lagerstroemia indica - crapemyrtle

print this native? Laguncularia racemosa - white mangrove

print this native? Larix decidua - European larch

print this native? Larix laricina - tamarack     Landowner Factsheet

print this native? Larix lyallii - subalpine larch

print this native? Larix occidentalis - western larch     Landowner Factsheet

print this native? Larix xmarschlinsii - Dunkeld larch

print this native? Leucaena retusa - littleleaf leadtree

print this native? Ligustrum amurense - Amur privet

print this native? Liquidambar styraciflua - sweetgum

print this native? Liriodendron tulipifera - yellow-poplar

print this native? Lonicera xbella - Belle's honeysuckle

print this native? Lycium fremontii - Fremont's desert-thorn

print this native? Lyonothamnus floribundus - lyon tree

print this native? Lysiloma candidum - palo blanco

print this native? Lysiloma watsonii - desertfern

print this native? Maclura pomifera - Osage-orange

print this native? Magnolia acuminata - cucumbertree

print this native? Magnolia ashei - Ashe magnolia

print this native? Magnolia fraseri - Fraser magnolia

print this native? Magnolia grandiflora - southern magnolia

print this native? Magnolia macrophylla - bigleaf magnolia

print this native? Magnolia pyramidata - pyramid magnolia

print this native? Magnolia tripetala - umbrella magnolia

print this native? Magnolia virginiana - sweetbay magnolia     Landowner Factsheet

print this native? Malus angustifolia - southern crab apple

print this native? Malus fusca - Oregon crabapple

print this native? Malus prunifolia - plumleaf crab apple

print this native? Malus spp. - apple

print this native? Melaleuca quinquenervia - melaleuca

print this native? Melia azedarach - Chinaberry

print this native? Metopium toxiferum - poisonwood

print this native? Metrosideros polymorpha - 'ohi'a lehua

print this native? Morella californica - Pacific waxmyrtle

print this native? Morella cerifera - waxmyrtle

print this native? Morella inodora - odorless bayberry

print this native? Morella pensylvanica - northern bayberry

print this native? Morus alba - white mulberry

print this native? Morus microphylla - Texas mulberry

print this native? Morus rubra - red mulberry

print this native? Myrsine cubana - colicwood

print this native? Myrtus communis - myrtle

print this native? Nerium oleander - oleander

print this native? Notholithocarpus densiflorus - tanoak

print this native? Nyssa aquatica - water tupelo     Landowner Factsheet

print this native? Nyssa biflora - swamp tupelo

print this native? Nyssa ogeche - Ogeechee tupelo

print this native? Nyssa sylvatica - blackgum

print this native? Olea europaea - olive

print this native? Olneya tesota - desert ironwood

print this native? Osmanthus americanus - devilwood

print this native? Ostrya virginiana - hophornbeam

print this native? Oxydendrum arboreum - sourwood

print this native? Pachycereus pringlei - cardón

print this native? Pachycereus schottii - senita cactus

print this native? Pachycormus discolor - torote blanco

print this native? Parkinsonia aculeata - Jerusalem thorn

print this native? Parkinsonia florida - blue paloverde

print this native? Parkinsonia microphylla - yellow paloverde

print this native? Parrotia persica - Persian ironwood

print this native? Paulownia fortunei - dragon tree

print this native? Paulownia tomentosa - royal paulownia

print this native? Persea americana - avocado

print this native? Persea borbonia - redbay

print this native? Persea palustris - swampbay

print this native? Phoenix roebelenii - pygmy date palm

print this native? Photinia xfraseri - red tips

print this native? Picea abies - Norway spruce

print this native? Picea alcoquiana - Alcock's Spruce

print this native? Picea breweriana - Brewer spruce

print this native? Picea chihuahuana - Chihuahua spruce

print this native? Picea engelmannii - Engelmann spruce     Landowner Factsheet

print this native? Picea glauca - white spruce     Landowner Factsheet

print this native? Picea mariana - black spruce     Landowner Factsheet

print this native? Picea omorika - Serbian spruce

print this native? Picea orientalis - Oriental spruce

print this native? Picea pungens - blue spruce

print this native? Picea rubens - red spruce     Landowner Factsheet

print this native? Picea sitchensis - Sitka spruce     Landowner Factsheet

print this native? Pieris japonica - Japanese pieris

print this native? Pinckneya bracteata - fevertree

print this native? Pinus albicaulis - whitebark pine

print this native? Pinus aristata - Rocky Mountain bristlecone pine

print this native? Pinus attenuata - knobcone pine

print this native? Pinus banksiana - jack pine     Landowner Factsheet

print this native? Pinus brutia - Turkish pine

print this native? Pinus bungeana - lacebark pine

print this native? Pinus cembra - Swiss stone pine

print this native? Pinus clausa - sand pine

print this native? Pinus contorta - lodgepole pine     Landowner Factsheet

print this native? Pinus coulteri - Coulter pine

print this native? Pinus densiflora - Japanese red pine

print this native? Pinus echinata - shortleaf pine

print this native? Pinus edulis - pinyon pine

print this native? Pinus elliottii - slash pine     Landowner Factsheet

print this native? Pinus engelmannii - Apache pine

print this native? Pinus flexilis - limber pine

print this native? Pinus glabra - spruce pine

print this native? Pinus jeffreyi - Jeffrey pine

print this native? Pinus lambertiana - sugar pine     Landowner Factsheet

print this native? Pinus leiophylla - Chihuahua pine

print this native? Pinus longaeva - Great Basin bristlecone pine

print this native? Pinus monophylla - singleleaf pinyon

print this native? Pinus monticola - western white pine     Landowner Factsheet

print this native? Pinus muricata - Bishop pine

print this native? Pinus nigra - Austrian pine

print this native? Pinus palustris - longleaf pine     Landowner Factsheet

print this native? Pinus parviflora - Japanese white pine

print this native? Pinus ponderosa - ponderosa pine     Landowner Factsheet

print this native? Pinus pungens - Table Mountain pine

print this native? Pinus quadrifolia - Parry pine

print this native? Pinus radiata - Monterey pine

print this native? Pinus resinosa - red pine     Landowner Factsheet

print this native? Pinus rigida - pitch pine

print this native? Pinus roxburghii - chir pine

print this native? Pinus sabiniana - gray pine

print this native? Pinus serotina - pond pine     Landowner Factsheet

print this native? Pinus strobiformis - southwestern white pine

print this native? Pinus strobus - eastern white pine

print this native? Pinus sylvestris - Scots pine

print this native? Pinus taeda - loblolly pine

print this native? Pinus torreyana - Torrey pine

print this native? Pinus virginiana - Virginia pine

print this native? Planera aquatica - water elm

print this native? Platanus occidentalis - American sycamore

print this native? Platanus racemosa - California sycamore

print this native? Platanus wrightii - Arizona sycamore

print this native? Poncirus trifoliata - trifoliate orange

print this native? Populus alba - European white poplar

print this native? Populus angustifolia - narrowleaf cottonwood

print this native? Populus balsamifera ssp. balsamifera - balsam poplar     Landowner Factsheet

print this native? Populus balsamifera ssp. trichocarpa - black cottonwood     Landowner Factsheet

print this native? Populus deltoides - eastern cottonwood     Landowner Factsheet

print this native? Populus fremontii - Fremont cottonwood

print this native? Populus grandidentata - bigtooth aspen

print this native? Populus heterophylla - swamp cottonwood

print this native? Populus nigra var. italica - Lombardy poplar

print this native? Populus tremuloides - quaking aspen     Landowner Factsheet

print this native? Prosopis glandulosa - honey mesquite

print this native? Prosopis pubescens - screwbean mesquite

print this native? Prunus alleghaniensis - Allegheny plum

print this native? Prunus americana - American plum

print this native? Prunus angustifolia - Chickasaw plum

print this native? Prunus avium - sweet cherry

print this native? Prunus caroliniana - Carolina laurelcherry

print this native? Prunus cerasifera - purple leaf plum

print this native? Prunus cerasus - sour cherry

print this native? Prunus emarginata - bitter cherry

print this native? Prunus fremontii - desert apricot

print this native? Prunus ilicifolia - hollyleaf cherry

print this native? Prunus laurocerasus - cherrylaurel

print this native? Prunus maritima - beach plum

print this native? Prunus mexicana - Mexican plum

print this native? Prunus pensylvanica - fire cherry     Landowner Factsheet

print this native? Prunus persica - peach

print this native? Prunus sargentii - Sargent cherry

print this native? Prunus serotina - black cherry

print this native? Prunus serrula - birch bark cherry

print this native? Prunus subcordata - Klamath plum

print this native? Prunus xyedoensis - Yoshino cherry

print this native? Pseudotsuga macrocarpa - bigcone Douglas-fir

print this native? Pseudotsuga menziesii - Douglas-fir     Landowner Factsheet

print this native? Pseudotsuga sinensis - Chinese Douglas-fir

print this native? Psorothamnus spinosus - desert smoke tree

print this native? Punica granatum - pomegranate

print this native? Pyrus calleryana - Callery pear

print this native? Pyrus communis - common pear

print this native? Quercus acutissima - sawtooth oak

print this native? Quercus agrifolia - coast live oak

print this native? Quercus alba - white oak

print this native? Quercus arizonica - Arizona white oak

print this native? Quercus austrina - bluff oak

print this native? Quercus berberidifolia - scrub oak

print this native? Quercus bicolor - swamp white oak

print this native? Quercus chrysolepis - canyon live oak

print this native? Quercus coccinea - scarlet oak

print this native? Quercus douglasii - blue oak

print this native? Quercus ellipsoidalis - northern pin oak

print this native? Quercus engelmannii - Engelmann oak

print this native? Quercus falcata - southern red oak

print this native? Quercus fusiformis - Texas live oak

print this native? Quercus gambelii - Gambel oak

print this native? Quercus garryana - Oregon white oak

print this native? Quercus georgiana - Georgia oak

print this native? Quercus grisea - gray oak

print this native? Quercus hemisphaerica - Darlington oak

print this native? Quercus hypoleucoides - silverleaf oak

print this native? Quercus ilicifolia - bear oak

print this native? Quercus imbricaria - shingle oak

print this native? Quercus incana - bluejack oak

print this native? Quercus kelloggii - California black oak

print this native? Quercus laevis - turkey oak

print this native? Quercus laurifolia - laurel oak     Landowner Factsheet

print this native? Quercus lobata - valley oak

print this native? Quercus lyrata - overcup oak

print this native? Quercus macrocarpa - bur oak     Landowner Factsheet

print this native? Quercus margaretta - sand post oak

print this native? Quercus marilandica - blackjack oak

print this native? Quercus michauxii - swamp chestnut oak     Landowner Factsheet

print this native? Quercus montana - chestnut oak

print this native? Quercus muehlenbergii - chinkapin oak

print this native? Quercus nigra - water oak     Landowner Factsheet

print this native? Quercus oglethorpensis - Oglethorpe oak

print this native? Quercus pagoda - cherrybark oak     Landowner Factsheet

print this native? Quercus palustris - pin oak

print this native? Quercus phellos - willow oak     Landowner Factsheet

print this native? Quercus prinoides - dwarf chinquapin oak

print this native? Quercus robur - English oak

print this native? Quercus rubra - northern red oak

print this native? Quercus shumardii - Shumard oak

print this native? Quercus sinuata - Durand white oak

print this native? Quercus stellata - post oak

print this native? Quercus texana - Nuttall oak

print this native? Quercus tomentella - island live oak

print this native? Quercus toumeyi - Toumey oak

print this native? Quercus velutina - black oak

print this native? Quercus virginiana - live oak     Landowner Factsheet

print this native? Quercus wislizeni - interior live oak

print this native? Quillaja saponaria - soapbark

print this native? Rhamnus cathartica - common buckthorn

print this native? Rhizophora mangle - red mangrove

print this native? Rhododendron austrinum - Florida azalea

print this native? Rhus copallinum - shining sumac

print this native? Rhus glabra - smooth sumac

print this native? Rhus lanceolata - prairie sumac

print this native? Rhus lentii - lentisco

print this native? Rhus typhina - staghorn sumac

print this native? Robinia neomexicana - New Mexican locust

print this native? Robinia pseudoacacia - black locust

print this native? Roystonea regia - royal palm

print this native? Sabal palmetto - cabbage palmetto

print this native? Salix alba - white willow

print this native? Salix babylonica - weeping willow

print this native? Salix bebbiana - Bebb's willow

print this native? Salix caprea - goat willow

print this native? Salix discolor - pussy willow

print this native? Salix gooddingii - Goodding's willow

print this native? Salix hookeriana - dune willow

print this native? Salix lucida - shining willow

print this native? Salix lutea - yellow willow

print this native? Salix nigra - black willow

print this native? Salix prolixa - MacKenzie's willow

print this native? Salix sitchensis - Sitka willow

print this native? Sambucus nigra ssp. canadensis - American elderberry

print this native? Sambucus nigra ssp. cerulea - blue elderberry

print this native? Sambucus racemosa - red elderberry

print this native? Sapindus saponaria - soapberry

print this native? Sassafras albidum - sassafras

print this native? Schinus molle - peppertree

print this native? Schinus terebinthifolius - Brazilian peppertree

print this native? Sciadopitys verticillata - umbrella pine

print this native? Senegalia greggii - catclaw acacia

print this native? Sequoia sempervirens - redwood     Landowner Factsheet

print this native? Sequoiadendron giganteum - giant sequoia     Landowner Factsheet

print this native? Serenoa repens - saw palmetto

print this native? Sesbania punicea - rattlebox

print this native? Sideroxylon lanuginosum - gum bumelia

print this native? Sideroxylon lycioides - buckthorn bumelia

print this native? Sorbus alnifolia - Korean mountain-ash

print this native? Sorbus americana - American mountain-ash

print this native? Sorbus aucuparia - European mountain-ash

print this native? Sorbus decora - showy mountain-ash

print this native? Sorbus scopulina - Greene's mountain-ash

print this native? Sorbus sitchensis - Sitka mountain-ash

print this native? Staphylea trifolia - bladdernut

print this native? Stenocereus stellatus - Baja organ pipe cactus

print this native? Stenocereus thurberi - organpipe cactus

print this native? Stewartia ovata - mountain-camellia

print this native? Stewartia spp. - stewartia

print this native? Styphnolobium affine - Texas sophora

print this native? Styphnolobium japonicum - Japanese pagoda tree

print this native? Swietenia mahagoni - West Indies mahogany

print this native? Syringa vulgaris - common lilac

print this native? Tamarix aphylla - athel tamarisk

print this native? Tamarix chinensis - saltcedar

print this native? Tamarix gallica - tamarisk

print this native? Tamarix parviflora - smallflower tamarisk

print this native? Taxodium ascendens - pondcypress

print this native? Taxodium distichum - baldcypress     Landowner Factsheet

print this native? Taxus brevifolia - Pacific yew

print this native? Taxus cuspidata - Japanese yew

print this native? Tecoma stans - yellow bells

print this native? Thuja occidentalis - northern white-cedar     Landowner Factsheet

print this native? Thuja plicata - western redcedar     Landowner Factsheet

print this native? Thujopsis dolabrata - false arborvitae

print this native? Tilia americana - American basswood

print this native? Tilia cordata - littleleaf linden

print this native? Torreya californica - California nutmeg

print this native? Torreya taxifolia - Florida torreya

print this native? Toxicodendron vernix - poison sumac

print this native? Triadica sebifera - Chinese tallow tree

print this native? Tsuga canadensis - eastern hemlock

print this native? Tsuga caroliniana - Carolina hemlock

print this native? Tsuga chinensis - Chinese hemlock

print this native? Tsuga heterophylla - western hemlock     Landowner Factsheet

print this native? Tsuga mertensiana - mountain hemlock

print this native? Ulmus alata - winged elm     Landowner Factsheet

print this native? Ulmus americana - American elm

print this native? Ulmus crassifolia - cedar elm

print this native? Ulmus parvifolia - Chinese elm

print this native? Ulmus procera - field elm

print this native? Ulmus pumila - Siberian elm

print this native? Ulmus rubra - slippery elm

print this native? Umbellularia californica - California-laurel

print this native? Ungnadia speciosa - Mexican buckeye

print this native? Vaccinium arboreum - sparkleberry

print this native? Vernicia fordii - tungoil tree

print this native? Viburnum ellipticum - western viburnum

print this native? Viburnum lantana - wayfaringtree viburnum

print this native? Viburnum lentago - nannyberry

print this native? Viburnum nudum - possumhaw viburnum

print this native? Viburnum prunifolium - blackhaw

print this native? Viburnum rufidulum - rusty blackhaw

print this native? Viburnum xburkwoodii - Burkwood viburnum

print this native? Vitex agnus-castus - lilac chastetree

print this native? Washingtonia filifera - California fan palm

print this native? Washingtonia robusta - Mexican fan palm

print this native? Wollemia nobilis - Wollemi-pine

print this native? Yucca brevifolia - Joshua tree

print this native? Yucca elata - soaptree yucca

print this native? Yucca gigantea - giant yucca

print this native? Yucca schidigera - Mojave yucca

print this native? Yucca torreyi - Torrey's yucca

print this native? Zanthoxylum clava-herculis - pricklyash