bigtooth maple Aceraceae Acer
grandidentatum Nutt.
symbol: ACGR3
Leaf: Opposite, simple and palmately veined, 2 to 3 1/2 inches long and wide, 3 (primarily) to 5 lobed, a few widely spaced rounded teeth, green above, lighter below with some fuzz.
Flower: Small, yellow-green in hanging clusters with thread like stems (1 to 2 inches long), appearing with the leaves.
Fruit: Two-winged pair of samaras about 1 inch long, hang as a V or U shape, round seed cavity, matures in early fall.
Twig: Slender, shiny chestnut brown, lighter lenticels, very sharply pointed brown buds, U-shaped leaf scar.
Bark: Smooth, gray-brown, fairly thin, developing numerous shallow furrows with age.
Form: A small multi-stemmed shrub (up to 20 feet) on dry sites and more tree like and up to 45 feet on moist, cool locations.
Looks like: sugar maple
- Florida maple