nutmeg hickory Juglandaceae Carya myristiciformis

Leaf:Alternate, pinnately compound, 5 to 11 (most commonly 7) serrated, ovate to lance-shaped leaflets, 12 to 24 inches long, lower leaf surfaces covered with bronze to silvery scales, rachis scruffy fuzzy.
Flower:Species is monoecious; males flowers are yellow-green slender hanging catkins 2 to 4 inches long; females are short and in small clusters at branch tips, appearing in mid-spring.
Fruit:Round, to 2 inches across, thick husks have yellowish scales and clearly winged seams; nut is thick shelled, round, sweet, and striped (resembling nutmeg nuts); ripens in early fall.
Twig:Moderately stout, slender when compared to other hickories, covered with silver-bronze scales, leaf scars three lobed; buds ovoid with scruffy hairs and silver-bronze scales; lateral buds protrude noticeably.
Bark:Young trees gray and smooth later becoming dark gray, ridges and furrows form a diamond shaped pattern, ridges rough and somewhat scaly.
Form:Large sized tree with a straight trunk and dense crown, reaches up to 100 feet tall.

fruit twig bark form map
