sugar pine Pinaceae Pinus
lambertiana Douglas
symbol: PILA
Leaf: Evergreen needles, 2 to 4 inches long, fascicles of 5, blue-green with white lines of stomatal bloom on all needle surfaces, persist 2 to 3 years, tend to droop, fascicle sheath is deciduous, apex pointed.
Flower: Species is monoecious; male cones are small, yellow, and clustered near the ends of branches; female cones are small, pale green, round, and clustered near the tips of branches in the upper part of the crown.
Fruit: Large cylindrical woody cones, 10 to 18 inches long (sometimes longer); yellowish brown when mature; scales thickened but unarmed; long, thick stalk.
Twig: Moderately stout and grayish brown.
Bark: Young bark is thin and grayish green later becoming up to 3 inches thick, reddish brown, with narrow, broken, scaly ridges separated by deep furrows.
Form: Tall and straight evergreen conifer growing to 200 feet tall and 7 feet in diameter with an open crown and long horizontal branches.
Looks like: western white pine
- whitebark pine
- Rocky Mountain bristlecone pine
- limber pine