redwood Cupressaceae Sequoia sempervirens
Leaf:Evergreen, 1/2 to 1 inch long, linear, two-ranked and flattened, yellow-green to green, upper side of needle has sparse stomatal bloom while underside has two distinct bands. Leaves on cone-bearing branches may be scale-like.
Flower:Species is monoecious; both males and females are very small and occur near the ends of shoots; males are oblong; females egg-shaped.
Fruit:Woody cone, 3/4 to 1 inch long, reddish-brown, basically egg-shaped, mature in one season.
Twig:Slender, often drooping, initially green and later turning brown.
Bark:Very thick (up to 1 foot), deeply furrowed with rounded ridges, fibrous, reddish to gray-brown.
Form:Very large, tall, straight tree (over 300 feet) with a narrow, loose crown.