birch bark cherry Rosaceae Prunus serrula

Leaf:Alternate, simple, ovate to lanceolate, 3 to 5 inches long, 1 to 1 1/2 inches wide, finely serrated margin, green above and slightly paler below.
Flower:Species is monoecious; white, 3/4 inch across, occurring in a clusters of 1 to 3; emerging with the leaves.
Fruit:Red drupe, to 1/2 inch in diameter, ripening in mid summer.
Twig:Slender, glabrous, red to gray-brown; buds are small (1/8 inch), reddish brown, pointed.
Bark:The most interesting feature of this tree; glossy, red-brown to copper-brown, long horizontal lenticels, may peel off in horizontal strips.
Form:A small tree to 30 feet tall, generally oval or cultured to have multiple stems and a broad crown.

bark map
