curlleaf mountain-mahogany Rosaceae Cercocarpus
ledifolius Nutt.
symbol: CELE3
Leaf: Alternate, simple, and persistent, commonly clustered on spur shoots; small (1/2 to 1 inch long) and narrowly elliptical, thick and leathery with entire, revolute margins, green above and below.
Flower: Small, inconspicuous, trumpet-shaped, pubescent.
Fruit: Small achenes (1/2 inch) with long, twisted, plumed tails (up to 2 inches).
Twig: Reddish brown, slender and pubescent becoming smooth and gray-brown; spur shoots are common.
Bark: Reddish to grayish brown with deep, wide furrows and ridges that may break into plate-like scales.
Form: An erect, evergreen shrub to 15 feet or small tree to 40 feet.
Looks like: mountain-mahogany
- littleleaf mountain-mahogany