sweetbay magnolia Magnoliaceae Magnolia virginiana

Leaf:Alternate, simple, narrow elliptical, 3 to 5 inches long, entire margin, evergreen to semi-evergreen in the south, shiny dark green above, silvery white below.
Flower:Species is monoecious; creamy white, 2 to 3 inches in diameter, 9 to 12 petals, mild lemony scent, appearing in late spring.
Fruit:Cone-like cluster of follicles, 2 inches long, pink to red ripening to reddish brown; bright scarlet-red seeds, ripen in late summer.
Twig:Moderate, pale green, pubescent, stipule scars circle twig; buds are long (1/2 inch) with fuzzy, silvery-gray scales that curl at their ends.
Bark:Smooth, reddish brown to gray, often mottled.
Form:A small tree typically not over 20 feet in height and multi-stemmed, grows taller in the south.

leaf flower fruit twig bark form map
