swamp white oak Fagaceae Quercus
bicolor Willd.
symbol: QUBI
Leaf: Alternate, simple, obovate, 3 to 7 inches long, margin with large irregular blunt teeth, 2 to 4 1/2 inches wide, dark green and shiny above, very pale below.
Flower: Species is monoecious; male flowers are yellow-green long catkins (2 to 4 inches long); females are green to red, very small in leaf axils; appearing in mid-spring with the leaves.
Fruit: Acorn, 1 inch long, tan, borne singly or double on a long stalk (2 inches), bowl-shaped cap covers about 1/3 of nut.
Twig: Moderately stout, light brown, terminal buds short, blunt and light brown, thread-like stipules often present around terminal bud.
Bark: Gray and scaly, later developing irregular fissures and ridges.
Form: Medium size tree reaching heights of 80 feet, irregular crown, often with lower limbs remaining.
Looks like: swamp chestnut oak
- chestnut oak
- chinkapin oak
- bur oak