goldenraintree Sapindaceae Koelreuteria paniculata
Leaf:Alternate, pinnately (or partially bi-pinnately) compound, irregular serrations or lobes on leaflets, 8 to 14 inches long, 9 to 15 leaflets, deep green above, lighter below.
Flower:Bright yellow with a splash of orange; occur on 10-15 inch long, many branched, terminal panicles; individual flowers about 1/2" wide, appearing in early summer, very attractive.
Fruit:Papery, triangular capsule, 1 to 2 inches long, in clusters, containing three hard, black, globular seeds, initially yellow-green, later turning brown, ornamental.
Twig:Stout, reddish brown, numerous lighter lenticels, somewhat zig-zag, buds round, leaf scar shield-shaped.
Bark:Silvery gray, flat ridge tops with reddish brown shallow furrows.
Form:Small tree reaching 30 feet in height, spread equal to height, round crown.