bigtooth aspen Salicaceae Populus
grandidentata Michx.
symbol: POGR4
Leaf: Alternate, simple, orbicular to ovate, 3 to 4 inches long, pinnately veined, large blunt teeth, petiole flattened vetically, green above and paler below.
Flower: Species is dioecious; males and females occur on hanging, 2 to 3 inch long fuzzy catkins, appearing before the leaves in early spring.
Fruit: Cottony seeds, 1/4 inch long, borne in small dehiscent capsules that occur along catkins, maturing late spring to early summer.
Twig: Medium-textured, gray-brown in color; buds are ovate, pointed, red-brown to gray with some pubescence; leaf scars raised and heart-shaped. When chewed, the twig has a bitter, aspirin taste.
Bark: Thin, gray, olive-green to milky green and smooth on young stems; later gray-brown, ridged with diamond shaped lenticels and splits forming.
Form: A medium sized tree with an irregular, thin crown and a straight bole.
Looks like: European white poplar
- quaking aspen
- balsam poplar
- eastern cottonwood