If you find an error, please report it.
So far you have made the following choices...
A tree generally has a single upright stem and reaches a height of 20 feet. Some species are shrubs in harsh climates and trees in moderate climates. |
Shrubs are low branching, suckering, or have multiple stems and do not reach 20 feet in height. | |
Most people recognize brambles, which include roses and blackberries. | |
Vines require some extra help for support. They hold on to the support by twining, growing tendrils, or aerial roots. |
Cacti do have leaves - they are reduced to spines. |
Palms are common in warm regions. | |
Yuccas can be found in many loacations but are more common is deserts. | |
Slender or Scaly leaves can be found on pines, junipers, and other genera. | |
Broadleaf includes genera with narrow leaves, such as the willows. |
Broadleaf Arrangement, or phyllotaxy, is a very important id clue. To determine phyllotaxy, look to see how many leaves are attached to the twig at each node. If there are no leaves, look for the arrangement of the buds that can be found at the base of each leaf. If you can not reach the twigs, remember that twigs grow from buds... and they will have the same arrangement as the leaves.
Most woody plants are alternately arranged. The leaves and buds alternate along the stem. |
These leaves are oppositely arranged, as are the buds that grow at the base of the leaves. | |
A few species have whorled leaves, with (usually) 3 leaves and buds at each node. |
Broadleaves can be simple or compound. Simple leaves have a single blade, compound leaves have several leaflets attached to a common stalk. It can be difficult to distinguish between these two leaf types. It may help to determine what, exactly, is the deciduous unit. Leaves are attached directly to twigs; leaflets are attached to a common stalk that is attached to the twig. Another clue... in late summer, buds can be found on the twig at the base of the leaf. There are never buds on leaf stalks.
A leaf with a single blade is a simple leaf. The leaf stalk is attached directly to a woody twig. |
The simplest type of compound leaf is a bifoliate leaf, which has two leaflets attached to a common stalk. | |
Trifoliate leaves have three leaflets attached to a common stalk. | |
Palmate leaves have leaflets that radiate from the end of the central stalk. | |
Pinnate leaves have leaflets attached laterally to the central stalk. | |
Bipinnate leaves have pinnate leaflets attached to pinnate leaflets. The whole structure is shed in the fall. |
There were 422 matches to your search.
 Abutilon palmeri - Palmer's Indian mallow
 Adenostoma fasciculatum - chamise
 Adenostoma sparsifolium - redshanks
 Alnus incana ssp. rugosa - speckled alder
 Alnus incana ssp. tenuifolia - thinleaf alder
 Alnus serrulata - hazel alder
 Alnus viridis ssp. crispa - green alder
 Alnus viridis ssp. sinuata - Sitka alder
 Ambrosia ambrosioides - canyon ragweed
 Ambrosia chenopodiifolia - San Diego bursage
 Ambrosia deltoidea - triangleleaf bursage
 Ambrosia dumosa - white bursage
 Amelanchier alnifolia - Pacific serviceberry
 Amelanchier arborea - downy serviceberry
 Amelanchier canadensis - shadblow serviceberry
 Amelanchier laevis - Alleghany serviceberry
 Amelanchier sanguinea - roundleaf serviceberry
 Amelanchier utahensis - Utah serviceberry
 Amorpha fruticosa - desert false indigo
 Andromeda polifolia - bog rosemary
 Annona glabra - pond apple
 Aralia spinosa - Devil's walking stick
 Arbutus arizonica - Arizona madrone
 Arctostaphylos columbiana - hairy manzanita
 Arctostaphylos densiflora - Vine Hill manzanita
 Arctostaphylos glauca - bigberry manzanita
 Arctostaphylos hookeri - Hooker's manzanita
 Arctostaphylos patula - green manzanita
 Arctostaphylos pungens - pointleaf manzanita
 Arctostaphylos rudis - shagbark manzanita
 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi - kinnikinick
 Arctostaphylos viscida - whiteleaf manzanita
 Aronia arbutifolia - chokeberry
 Aronia melanocarpa - black chokeberry
 Artemisia californica - coastal sagebrush
 Artemisia filifolia - sand sagebrush
 Artemisia palmeri - San Diego sagewort
 Artemisia tridentata - big sagebrush
 Asimina parviflora - dwarf pawpaw
 Atriplex canescens - four-wing saltbush
 Atriplex confertifolia - shadscale
 Baccharis emoryi - Emory's baccharis
 Baccharis halimifolia - eastern baccharis
 Baccharis pilularis - coyotebrush
 Baccharis pteronioides - yerba de pasmo
 Baccharis salicifolia - mule fat
 Baccharis sarothroides - desertbroom
 Berberis canadensis - American barberry
 Berberis thunbergii - Japanese barberry
 Betula glandulosa - dwarf birch
 Betula occidentalis - water birch
 Borrichia arborescens - tree seaside tansy
 Bucida buceras - black olive
 Buddleja davidii - butterfly-bush
 Bursera fagaroides - fragrant bursera
 Bursera hindsiana - copal
 Bursera microphylla - elephant tree
 Caesalpinia gilliesii - bird-of-paradise shrub
 Caesalpinia pulcherrima - pride-of-Barbados
 Calliandra californica - Baja fairy duster
 Calliandra eriophylla - fairy duster
 Canotia holacantha - crucifixion thorn
 Caragana arborescens - pea tree
 Castanea pumila - Alleghany chinkapin
 Castela emoryi - crucifixion thorn
 Ceanothus americanus - New Jersey tea
 Ceanothus cordulatus - whitethorn ceanothus
 Ceanothus fendleri - Fendler's ceanothus
 Ceanothus impressus - Santa Barbara ceanothus
 Ceanothus integerrimus - deerbrush
 Ceanothus sanguineus - redstem ceanothus
 Ceanothus spinosus - greenbark ceanothus
 Ceanothus thyrsiflorus - blueblossom
 Ceanothus velutinus - snowbrush
 Celtis ehrenbergiana - spiny hackberry
 Celtis pumila - dwarf hackberry
 Cercis canadensis - eastern redbud
 Cercis orbiculata - western redbud
 Cercocarpus intricatus - littleleaf mountain-mahogany
 Cercocarpus ledifolius - curlleaf mountain-mahogany
 Cercocarpus montanus - mountain-mahogany
 Chaenomeles speciosa - common floweringquince
 Chamaebatia foliolosa - mountain misery
 Chamaebatiaria millefolium - fernbush
 Chamaedaphne calyculata - leatherleaf
 Chilopsis linearis - desert-willow
 Chimaphila maculata - striped pipsissewa
 Chimaphila umbellata - prince's pine
 Chionanthus virginicus - fringetree
 Chrysobalanus icaco - cocoplum
 Chrysolepis sempervirens - bush chinquapin
 Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus - yellow rabbitbrush
 Cinnamomum camphora - camphortree
 Cleome isomeris - bladderpod spiderflower
 Clethra acuminata - mountain pepperbush
 Clethra alnifolia - summersweet clethra
 Cliftonia monophylla - buckwheat tree
 Coleogyne ramosissima - blackbrush
 Comptonia peregrina - sweetfern
 Condalia globosa - bitter condalia
 Conocarpus erectus - buttonwood
 Cornus alternifolia - alternate-leaf dogwood
 Corylopsis glabrescens - fragrant winterhazel
 Corylopsis pauciflora - buttercup winterhazel
 Corylopsis sinensis - Chinese winterhazel
 Corylus americana - American hazel
 Corylus avellana - common filbert
 Corylus cornuta - beaked hazel
 Cotinus coggygria - European smoketree
 Cotinus obovatus - American smoketree
 Cotoneaster spp. - cotoneaster
 Crataegus douglasii - black hawthorn
 Crataegus monogyna - oneseed hawthorn
 Croton alabamensis - Alabama croton
 Cyrilla racemiflora - swamp cyrilla
 Cytisus scoparius - Scotch broom
 Dasiphora fruticosa - shrubby cinquefoil
 Dendromecon rigida - tree poppy
 Diospyros texana - Texas persimmon
 Dirca palustris - eastern leatherwood
 Ditrysinia fruticosa - Gulf Sebastian-bush
 Dodonaea viscosa - hopbush
 Ebenopsis confinis - ejoton
 Ebenopsis ebano - Texas ebony
 Ehretia anacua - sandpaper tree
 Elaeagnus angustifolia - Russian-olive
 Elaeagnus commutata - silverberry
 Elaeagnus pungens - thorny-olive
 Elaeagnus umbellata - autumn-olive
 Empetrum nigrum - crowberry
 Encelia californica - California brittlebrush
 Encelia farinosa - brittlebush
 Epigaea repens - trailing arbutus
 Ericameria laricifolia - turpentine bush
 Ericameria linearifolia - narrowleaf goldenbush
 Ericameria nauseosa - gray rabbitbrush
 Ericameria palmeri - Palmer's goldenbush
 Eriodictyon angustifolium - narrow-leaved yerba santa
 Eriogonum cinereum - coastal buckwheat
 Eriogonum fasciculatum - flat-top buckwheat
 Erythrina corallodendron - coral tree
 Erythrina herbacea - coralbean
 Eubotrys racemosus - swamp doghobble
 Euphorbia misera - cliff spurge
 Eysenhardtia orthocarpa - kidneywood
 Eysenhardtia texana - Texas kidneywood
 Fallugia paradoxa - Apache plume
 Ficus carica - common fig
 Fothergilla gardenii - dwarf fothergilla
 Fothergilla major - large fothergilla
 Fouquieria splendens - ocotillo
 Frangula alnus - glossy buckthorn
 Frangula californica - California buckthorn
 Frangula caroliniana - Carolina buckthorn
 Frangula purshiana - Cascara buckthorn
 Franklinia alatamaha - Franklin tree
 Gambelia juncea - Baja bush snapdragon
 Gaultheria procumbens - teaberry
 Gaultheria shallon - salal
 Gaylussacia spp. - huckleberry
 Gossypium hirsitum - upland cotton
 Hamamelis vernalis - vernal witch-hazel
 Hamamelis virginiana - witch-hazel
 Hamamelis xintermedia - hybrid witch-hazel
 Heteromeles arbutifolia - toyon
 Hibiscus syriacus - rose-of-sharon
 Holodiscus discolor - oceanspray
 Holodiscus dumosus - bush oceanspray
 Ilex amelanchier - sarvis holly
 Ilex coriacea - large gallberry
 Ilex decidua - deciduous holly
 Ilex montana - mountain holly
 Ilex mucronata - catberry
 Ilex myrtifolia - myrtle holly
 Ilex verticillata - winterberry holly
 Illicium floridanum - Florida anise tree
 Illicium parviflorum - yellow anisetree
 Itea virginica - sweetspire
 Iva hayesiana - San Diego povertyweed
 Jatropha cuneata - limberbush
 Juglans microcarpa - little walnut
 Kalmia latifolia - mountain laurel
 Koeberlinia spinosa - allthorn
 Krameria grayi - white ratany
 Lavatera assurgentiflora - island mallow
 Ledum groenlandicum - Labrador tea
 Leitneria floridana - corkwood
 Leucaena retusa - littleleaf leadtree
 Leucothoe axillaris - coast leucothoe
 Lindera benzoin - spicebush
 Ludwigia peruviana - Peruvian primrose-willow
 Lupinus albifrons - silver lupine
 Lupinus arboreus - yellow bush lupine
 Lupinus chamissonis - dune lupine
 Lycium andersonii - Anderson boxthorn
 Lycium barbarum - goji berry
 Lycium brevipes - Baja desert-thorn
 Lycium fremontii - Fremont's desert-thorn
 Lyonia ferruginea - staggerbush
 Lyonia ligustrina - maleberry
 Lyonia lucida - fetterbush lyonia
 Lysiloma watsonii - desertfern
 Magnolia ashei - Ashe magnolia
 Magnolia pyramidata - pyramid magnolia
 Mahonia aquifolium - tall Oregon-grape
 Mahonia fremontii - Fremont barberry
 Mahonia haematocarpa - red barberry
 Mahonia nervosa - dwarf Oregon-grape
 Mahonia nevinii - Nevine's barberry
 Mahonia repens - creeping mahonia
 Malosma laurina - laurel sumac
 Malus angustifolia - southern crab apple
 Malus fusca - Oregon crabapple
 Menziesia ferruginea - false azalea
 Menziesia pilosa - minniebush
 Metopium toxiferum - poisonwood
 Mimosa aculeaticarpa - catclaw mimosa
 Morella californica - Pacific waxmyrtle
 Morella cerifera - waxmyrtle
 Morella inodora - odorless bayberry
 Morella pensylvanica - northern bayberry
 Morus alba - white mulberry
 Morus microphylla - Texas mulberry
 Myrsine cubana - colicwood
 Nandina domestica - heavenly bamboo
 Neviusia alabamensis - Alabama snow-wreath
 Nyssa ogeche - Ogeechee tupelo
 Oemleria cerasiformis - Indian-plum
 Oplopanax horridus - Devilsclub
 Osteomeles anthyllidifolia - Hawaii hawthorne
 Pachycormus discolor - torote blanco
 Pachysandra terminalis - Japanese pachysandra
 Parkinsonia aculeata - Jerusalem thorn
 Parkinsonia microphylla - yellow paloverde
 Parrotia persica - Persian ironwood
 Parthenium argentatum - guayule
 Perityle incana - Guadalupe Island rock daisy
 Persea americana - avocado
 Persea palustris - swampbay
 Petrophytum caespitosum - rockmat
 Photinia xfraseri - red tips
 Physocarpus capitatus - ninebark
 Physocarpus malvaceus - mallow ninebark
 Physocarpus monogynus - mountain ninebark
 Physocarpus opulifolius - common ninebark
 Pieris floribunda - mountain pieris
 Pluchea sericea - arrow-weed
 Poncirus trifoliata - trifoliate orange
 Prosopis glandulosa - honey mesquite
 Prosopis pubescens - screwbean mesquite
 Prosopis velutina - velvet mesquite
 Prunus alleghaniensis - Allegheny plum
 Prunus americana - American plum
 Prunus angustifolia - Chickasaw plum
 Prunus caroliniana - Carolina laurelcherry
 Prunus emarginata - bitter cherry
 Prunus fasciculata - desert almond
 Prunus fremontii - desert apricot
 Prunus ilicifolia - hollyleaf cherry
 Prunus laurocerasus - cherrylaurel
 Prunus maritima - beach plum
 Prunus mexicana - Mexican plum
 Prunus subcordata - Klamath plum
 Prunus virginiana - choke cherry
 Pseudocydonia sinensis - Chinese-quince
 Psilostrophe cooperi - paper-daisy
 Psorothamnus fremontii - Fremont's dalea
 Psorothamnus schottii - Schott indigobush
 Psorothamnus spinosus - desert smoke tree
 Ptelea trifoliata - hoptree
 Punica granatum - pomegranate
 Purshia stansburiana - Stansbury cliffrose
 Purshia tridentata - bitterbrush
 Pyracantha coccinea - scarlet firethorn
 Pyrularia pubera - buffalo nut
 Quercus arizonica - Arizona white oak
 Quercus berberidifolia - scrub oak
 Quercus cornelius-mulleri - Muller oak
 Quercus durata - leather oak
 Quercus emoryi - Emory oak
 Quercus georgiana - Georgia oak
 Quercus ilicifolia - bear oak
 Quercus incana - bluejack oak
 Quercus minima - running oak
 Quercus oblongifolia - Mexican blue oak
 Quercus prinoides - dwarf chinquapin oak
 Quercus rugosa - netleaf oak
 Quercus sadleriana - deer oak
 Quercus sinuata - Durand white oak
 Quercus toumeyi - Toumey oak
 Quercus turbinella - shrub live oak
 Quercus vacciniifolia - huckleberry oak
 Rhamnus cathartica - common buckthorn
 Rhamnus crocea - redberry
 Rhamnus ilicifolia - hollyleaf redberry
 Rhododendron albiflorum - white rhododendron
 Rhododendron atlanticum - dwarf azalea
 Rhododendron austrinum - Florida azalea
 Rhododendron calendulaceum - flame azalea
 Rhododendron canadense - rhodora
 Rhododendron canescens - swamp azalea
 Rhododendron catawbiense - Catawba rhododendron
 Rhododendron macrophyllum - Pacific rhododendron
 Rhododendron maximum - great rhododendron
 Rhododendron occidentale - western azalea
 Rhododendron periclymenoides - pink azalea
 Rhus aromatica - fragrant sumac
 Rhus copallinum - shining sumac
 Rhus glabra - smooth sumac
 Rhus integrifolia - lemonade sumac
 Rhus kearneyi - Kearney's sumac
 Rhus lanceolata - prairie sumac
 Rhus michauxii - Michaux's sumac
 Rhus microphylla - littleleaf sumac
 Rhus trilobata - skunkbush sumac
 Rhus typhina - staghorn sumac
 Rhus virens - New Mexico evergreen sumac
 Ribes acerifolium - mapleleaf currant
 Ribes aureum - golden currant
 Ribes bracteosum - stink currant
 Ribes cereum - wax currant
 Ribes cynosbati - prickly gooseberry
 Ribes divaricatum - spreading gooseberry
 Ribes hirtellum - wild gooseberry
 Ribes lacustre - prickly currant
 Ribes laxiflorum - trailing black currant
 Ribes montigenum - mountain gooseberry
 Ribes niveum - snow gooseberry
 Ribes roezlii - Sierra gooseberry
 Ribes rotundifolium - Appalachian gooseberry
 Ribes sanguineum - red-flowering currant
 Ribes viburnifolium - evergreen currant
 Ribes viscosissimum - sticky currant
 Ribes wolfii - Wolf's currant
 Robinia hispida - bristly locust
 Rubus hayata-koidzumii - creeping raspberry
 Rubus odoratus - purple flowering raspberry
 Rubus parviflorus - thimbleberry
 Rubus pedatus - trailing raspberry
 Rubus spectabilis - salmonberry
 Salix alba - white willow
 Salix arctica - Arctic willow
 Salix bebbiana - Bebb's willow
 Salix caprea - goat willow
 Salix discolor - pussy willow
 Salix exigua - sandbar willow
 Salix gooddingii - Goodding's willow
 Salix herbacea - dwarf willow
 Salix hookeriana - dune willow
 Salix lasiolepis - arroyo willow
 Salix lemmonii - Lemmon's willow
 Salix lucida - shining willow
 Salix lutea - yellow willow
 Salix prolixa - MacKenzie's willow
 Salix purpurea - purpleosier willow
 Salix scouleriana - Scouler willow
 Salix sitchensis - Sitka willow
 Sarcobatus vermiculatus - greasewood
 Schinus molle - peppertree
 Senegalia berlandieri - guajillo
 Senegalia greggii - catclaw acacia
 Sesbania punicea - rattlebox
 Sibbaldiopsis tridentata - three-toothed-cinquefoil
 Sideroxylon lycioides - buckthorn bumelia
 Sophora chrysophylla - mamani
 Sophora secundiflora - mescal bean
 Sorbus alnifolia - Korean mountain-ash
 Sorbus decora - showy mountain-ash
 Sorbus scopulina - Greene's mountain-ash
 Sphaeralcea ambigua - desert globemallow
 Spiraea alba var. alba - narrowleaf spiraea
 Spiraea alba var. latifolia - meadowsweet
 Spiraea douglasii - Douglas spiraea
 Spiraea japonica - Japanese spiraea
 Spiraea lucida - shinyleaf spiraea
 Spiraea splendens - rose meadowsweet
 Stewartia ovata - mountain-camellia
 Styrax americanus - American snowbell
 Symplocos tinctoria - common sweetleaf
 Tamarix gallica - tamarisk
 Tamarix parviflora - smallflower tamarisk
 Toxicodendron diversilobum - Pacific poisonoak
 Toxicodendron pubescens - poison-oak
 Toxicodendron radicans - poison-ivy
 Ulex europaeus - common gorse
 Ungnadia speciosa - Mexican buckeye
 Vaccinium arboreum - sparkleberry
 Vaccinium cespitosum - dwarf bilberry
 Vaccinium corymbosum - highbush blueberry
 Vaccinium deliciosum - Cascade bilberry
 Vaccinium elliottii - Elliott's blueberry
 Vaccinium fuscatum - black highbush blueberry
 Vaccinium macrocarpon - cranberry
 Vaccinium membranaceum - big huckleberry
 Vaccinium myrtilloides - velvet-leaf blueberry
 Vaccinium myrtillus - bilberry
 Vaccinium ovalifolium - ovalleaf huckleberry
 Vaccinium ovatum - evergreen huckleberry
 Vaccinium oxycoccos - small cranberry
 Vaccinium pallidum - lowbush blueberry
 Vaccinium parvifolium - red huckleberry
 Vaccinium scoparium - grouse whortleberry
 Vaccinium stamineum - deerberry
 Vaccinium uliginosum - bog blueberry
 Vaccinium vitis-idaea - lingonberry
 Vachellia constricta - whitethorn acacia
 Vachellia farnesiana - sweet acacia
 Vauquelinia californica - Arizona rosewood
 Vernicia fordii - tungoil tree
 Viguiera laciniata - San Diego sunflower
 Xanthorhiza simplicissima - yellowroot