Stansbury cliffrose Rosaceae Purshia
stansburiana (Torr.) Henrickson
symbol: PUST
Leaf: Alternate, simple, (but typically clustered at nodes), evergreen (can occasionally be nearly absent of leaves), and wedge-shaped with 3 or more lobes, 1/4 to 1 inch long, thickened, green to gray-green above and dotted with white glands, a bit paler below.
Flower: Attractive, white to pale yellow, 1 inch across, 5 petals, yellow center, occur at ends of small side branches, appear in spring to early summer and are very fragrant.
Fruit: An achene tipped with a long, hairy, twisted, persistent style.
Twig: Slender, reddish brown to gray-brown; numerous very short side shoots tipped with leaves.
Bark: At first smooth reddish brown, later splitting into long shreds and strips and becoming lighter in color.
Form: A large, many branched shrub reaching up to 10 feet tall and nearly as wide.
Looks like: bitterbrush
- Apache plume
- big sagebrush