desert globemallow Malvaceae Sphaeralcea ambigua

Leaf:Alternate, simple, evergreen, nearly round to cordate, palmately lobed, densely woolly pubescent/velvety above and below, blue-green above and below, appearing wrinkled.
Flower:Very attractive and poppy-like, 5 red, orange, yellow, or pink petals approximately 1 inch across, borne on a 2 foot tall spike and blooming for most of the growing season.
Fruit:A round, multi-parted dry capsule, 1/2 inch in diameter, base covered in dense silky pubescence.
Twig:Densely pubescent and slender, white woolly with pubescence.
Bark:Green to brown.
Form:A dense rounded shrub, to 4 feet tall.

leaf flower twig bark form map
