coyotebrush Asteraceae Baccharis
pilularis DC.
symbol: BAPI
Leaf: Simple, alternate, persistent, 1/2 to 2 inches long, obovate to oblanceolate, gray-green, thick and waxy, margins entire near the base but sparsely and coarsely toothed above, revolute, base wedge-shaped, apex acute to rounded, 3 principal veins.
Flower: Species is dioecious, female flowers white, male flowers yellow; small but profuse and borne in small upright clusters; present August-December.
Fruit: Tufted achenes (similar to thistles), tiny, light, and wind-borne.
Twig: Young twigs are slender, brown, minutely pubescent, and finely ribbed; older twigs gray-brown, ribbed, and roughened by leaf scars.
Bark: Gray-brown and rough.
Form: An evergreen shrub that may grow prostrate or upright to 9 feet. May form dense mats on sand dunes.
Looks like: mule fat
- yerba de pasmo
- Emory's baccharis
- desertbroom