trailing arbutus Ericaceae Epigaea repens

Leaf:Alternate, evergreen, ovate to nearly oval, hairy margins, 2 to 3 inches long, heart-shaped base and somewhat thickened, shiny dark green above, a bit lighter and hairy beneath.
Flower:Perfect, white, pink to nearly red, 5 petals, up to 1/2 inch across, groups of 3 to 5, very fragrant, appearing in early to mid-spring.
Fruit:Berry-like, round capsule, 1/2 inch across, pale yellow-orange, ripens in late summer.
Twig:Basically not present, nearly prostrate stems are reddish brown, hairy and slightly shreddy; buds with loose green scales.
Form:Low growing, creeping woody herb, large leaves are mostly all that is visible.

leaf flower fruit twig bark form map
