mountain ninebark Rosaceae Physocarpus
monogynus (Torr.) J.M. Coult.
symbol: PHMO4
Leaf: Alternate, simple, deciduous, maple-like, palmately lobed (3 to 5 pointed lobes); almost circular in outline, 1 to 1 1/2 inches in diameter, bases mostly heart-shaped; dark green above and paler below, somewhat pubescent.
Flower: Perfect, small (1/2 inch) white flowers borne in small round clusters, appearing in summer.
Fruit: Small (1/4 inch long) pointed follicles borne in upright hemispherical clusters, initially they are red and later turning a bright reddish brown, maturing through the summer.
Twig: Slender and red-brown; young twigs have tight bark but on older twigs the bark splits and exfoliates in long strips; buds with many obvious loose scales, leaf scars raised with lines running downward angling the twigs.
Bark: Thin and yellow-, orange-, or red-brown; shredded and exfoliating in long strips, especially on older stems, fairly attractive.
Form: A medium sized, vase-shaped shrub up to 4 feet. One of the smaller ninebarks.
Looks like: ninebark
- mallow ninebark
- common ninebark
- Rocky Mountain maple