sandbar willow Salicaceae Salix exigua
Leaf:Alternate, simple, lanceolate to linear, 2 to 5 inches long and very narrow, entire or with a few scattered teeth, green to gray-green above, paler and may be hairy below.
Flower:Species is dioecious; 1 to 2 1/2 inches long, fuzzy catkins on a slender 1 inch stem, yellowish white, appearing in spring with the leaves.
Fruit:Small (1/4 inch), long-pointed capsules in long, narrow clusters; each capsule contains numerous small fuzzy seeds.
Twig:Slender, pale green to tan, may be reddish in winter, fuzzy or not; buds covered by a single cap-like scale.
Bark:Silvery gray to gray-green, becoming shallowly fissured with time.
Form:A thicket forming shrub with numerous small diameter stems, spreads by underground root suckering, may reach up to 25 feet tall.