creeping mahonia Berberidaceae Mahonia repens

Leaf:Alternate, pinnately compound, evergreen, 5 to 7 inches long, 3 to 7 leaflets (1 to 2 inches long) with spine-tipped teeth, thickened and waxy, dark green above, paler below; turns reddish purple in winter.
Flower:Perfect, small bright yellow flowers are borne in 1 to 3 inch upright racemes.
Fruit:Small (1/4 inch), dark blue berries, covered in a waxy bloom, edible, but sour.
Twig:Main stems are largely unbranched and prostrate; very rough due to numerous leaf scars; green when young, turning reddish brown with age.
Bark:Reddish brown, scaly and rough.
Form:Creeping, stoloniferous, gound cover, may reach up to 18 inches.

leaf flower fruit twig bark form map
