vernal witch-hazel Hamamelidaceae Hamamelis vernalis
Leaf:Alternate, simple, inequalateral, 3 to 5 inches long, ovate to oblong, wavy toothed to dentate margin, base often very wedge-shaped, dark green above, paler and often fuzzy below.
Flower:Yellow to red, each about 1/2 inch across, long (1/2 inch), thin, thread-like petals, appearing in bunches from late winter to early spring.
Fruit:Dry woody capsule (1/2 inch long), black seeds are forcibly discharged when they split into two in late summer, initially green-brown and later turning tan, old capsules persistent.
Twig:Slender, fuzzy light brown; vegetative buds naked, appear as a folded, small leaf; flower buds round, clustered and stalked.
Bark:Smooth, gray-brown.
Form:A suckering, multi-stemmed medium sized (10 feet) shrub with a rounded crown.