If you find an error, please report it.
So far you have made the following choices...
A tree generally has a single upright stem and reaches a height of 20 feet. Some species are shrubs in harsh climates and trees in moderate climates. |
Shrubs are low branching, suckering, or have multiple stems and do not reach 20 feet in height. | |
Most people recognize brambles, which include roses and blackberries. | |
Vines require some extra help for support. They hold on to the support by twining, growing tendrils, or aerial roots. |
Cacti do have leaves - they are reduced to spines. |
Palms are common in warm regions. | |
Yuccas can be found in many loacations but are more common is deserts. | |
Slender or Scaly leaves can be found on pines, junipers, and other genera. | |
Broadleaf includes genera with narrow leaves, such as the willows. |
Slender or Scaly Leaves
Long and slender needles can be single or in clusters. |
or |
Short, stiff needles can be scale-like or sharp and awl-like. |
or |
There were 120 matches to your search.
 Abies amabilis - Pacific silver fir
 Abies balsamea - balsam fir     Landowner Factsheet
 Abies bracteata - bristlecone fir
 Abies concolor - white fir     Landowner Factsheet
 Abies fraseri - Fraser fir     Landowner Factsheet
 Abies grandis - grand fir     Landowner Factsheet
 Abies koreana - Korean fir
 Abies lasiocarpa - subalpine fir     Landowner Factsheet
 Abies magnifica - California red fir
 Abies nordmanniana - Nordmann fir
 Abies pinsapo - Spanish fir
 Abies procera - noble fir
 Adenostoma sparsifolium - redshanks
 Araucaria araucana - monkeypuzzle tree
 Callitropsis nootkatensis - Alaska yellow-cedar
 Calocedrus decurrens - incense-cedar
 Casuarina equisetifolia - Australian pine
 Cedrus atlantica - Atlas cedar
 Cedrus libani - cedar of Lebanon
 Cephalotaxus fortunei - Chinese plum-yew
 Chamaecyparis lawsoniana - Port-Orford-cedar
 Chamaecyparis obtusa - Hinoki falsecypress
 Chamaecyparis thyoides - Atlantic white-cedar     Landowner Factsheet
 Cupressus sempervirens - Italian cypress
 Hesperocyparis arizonica - Arizona cypress
 Hesperocyparis bakeri - Baker cypress
 Hesperocyparis forbesii - Tecate cypress
 Hesperocyparis macrocarpa - Monterey cypress
 Juniperus californica - California juniper
 Juniperus chinensis - Chinese juniper
 Juniperus communis - common juniper
 Juniperus deppeana - alligator juniper
 Juniperus occidentalis - western juniper
 Juniperus pinchotii - redberry juniper
 Juniperus scopulorum - Rocky Mountain juniper
 Juniperus virginiana - eastern redcedar
 Larix decidua - European larch
 Larix laricina - tamarack     Landowner Factsheet
 Larix lyallii - subalpine larch
 Larix occidentalis - western larch     Landowner Factsheet
 Larix xmarschlinsii - Dunkeld larch
 Picea abies - Norway spruce
 Picea alcoquiana - Alcock's Spruce
 Picea breweriana - Brewer spruce
 Picea chihuahuana - Chihuahua spruce
 Picea engelmannii - Engelmann spruce     Landowner Factsheet
 Picea glauca - white spruce     Landowner Factsheet
 Picea mariana - black spruce     Landowner Factsheet
 Picea omorika - Serbian spruce
 Picea orientalis - Oriental spruce
 Picea pungens - blue spruce
 Picea rubens - red spruce     Landowner Factsheet
 Picea sitchensis - Sitka spruce     Landowner Factsheet
 Pinus albicaulis - whitebark pine
 Pinus aristata - Rocky Mountain bristlecone pine
 Pinus attenuata - knobcone pine
 Pinus banksiana - jack pine     Landowner Factsheet
 Pinus brutia - Turkish pine
 Pinus bungeana - lacebark pine
 Pinus cembra - Swiss stone pine
 Pinus contorta - lodgepole pine     Landowner Factsheet
 Pinus coulteri - Coulter pine
 Pinus densiflora - Japanese red pine
 Pinus echinata - shortleaf pine
 Pinus edulis - pinyon pine
 Pinus elliottii - slash pine     Landowner Factsheet
 Pinus engelmannii - Apache pine
 Pinus flexilis - limber pine
 Pinus glabra - spruce pine
 Pinus jeffreyi - Jeffrey pine
 Pinus lambertiana - sugar pine     Landowner Factsheet
 Pinus leiophylla - Chihuahua pine
 Pinus longaeva - Great Basin bristlecone pine
 Pinus monophylla - singleleaf pinyon
 Pinus monticola - western white pine     Landowner Factsheet
 Pinus muricata - Bishop pine
 Pinus nigra - Austrian pine
 Pinus palustris - longleaf pine     Landowner Factsheet
 Pinus parviflora - Japanese white pine
 Pinus ponderosa - ponderosa pine     Landowner Factsheet
 Pinus pungens - Table Mountain pine
 Pinus quadrifolia - Parry pine
 Pinus radiata - Monterey pine
 Pinus resinosa - red pine     Landowner Factsheet
 Pinus rigida - pitch pine
 Pinus roxburghii - chir pine
 Pinus sabiniana - gray pine
 Pinus serotina - pond pine     Landowner Factsheet
 Pinus strobiformis - southwestern white pine
 Pinus strobus - eastern white pine
 Pinus sylvestris - Scots pine
 Pinus taeda - loblolly pine
 Pinus torreyana - Torrey pine
 Pinus virginiana - Virginia pine
 Pseudotsuga macrocarpa - bigcone Douglas-fir
 Pseudotsuga menziesii - Douglas-fir     Landowner Factsheet
 Pseudotsuga sinensis - Chinese Douglas-fir
 Sciadopitys verticillata - umbrella pine
 Sequoia sempervirens - redwood     Landowner Factsheet
 Sequoiadendron giganteum - giant sequoia     Landowner Factsheet
 Tamarix aphylla - athel tamarisk
 Tamarix chinensis - saltcedar
 Tamarix gallica - tamarisk
 Tamarix parviflora - smallflower tamarisk
 Taxodium ascendens - pondcypress
 Taxodium distichum - baldcypress     Landowner Factsheet
 Taxus brevifolia - Pacific yew
 Taxus cuspidata - Japanese yew
 Thuja occidentalis - northern white-cedar     Landowner Factsheet
 Thuja plicata - western redcedar     Landowner Factsheet
 Thujopsis dolabrata - false arborvitae
 Torreya californica - California nutmeg
 Torreya taxifolia - Florida torreya
 Tsuga canadensis - eastern hemlock
 Tsuga caroliniana - Carolina hemlock
 Tsuga chinensis - Chinese hemlock
 Tsuga heterophylla - western hemlock     Landowner Factsheet