ID Keys

Dichotomous Leaf Key

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Location: WV

A tree generally has a single upright stem and reaches a height of 20 feet.

Some species are shrubs in harsh climates and trees in moderate climates.

shrub Shrubs are low branching, suckering, or have multiple stems and do not reach 20 feet in height.
bramble Most people recognize brambles, which include roses and blackberries.
vine Vines require some extra help for support. They hold on to the support by twining, growing tendrils, or aerial roots.
My leaf is from a tree
My leaf is from a shrub
My leaf is from a bramble, rose, or soft-wooded shrub with arching canes
My leaf is from a climbing or scrambling vine

Cacti do have leaves - they are reduced to spines.

palm Palms are common in warm regions.
yucca Yuccas can be found in many loacations but are more common is deserts.
slender or scaly vine Slender or Scaly leaves can be found on pines, junipers, and other genera.
broadleaf Broadleaf includes genera with narrow leaves, such as the willows.
Broad leaves
Slender or scaly leaves
My leaf is palm-like
My leaf is slender and strap-like (the yuccas)
I have a cactus, with leaves that are reduced to spines

Broadleaf Arrangement, or phyllotaxy, is a very important id clue. To determine phyllotaxy, look to see how many leaves are attached to the twig at each node. If there are no leaves, look for the arrangement of the buds that can be found at the base of each leaf. If you can not reach the twigs, remember that twigs grow from buds... and they will have the same arrangement as the leaves.


Most woody plants are alternately arranged. The leaves and buds alternate along the stem.

opposite These leaves are oppositely arranged, as are the buds that grow at the base of the leaves.
whorled A few species have whorled leaves, with (usually) 3 leaves and buds at each node.
My leaves are arranged opposite each other, in pairs or in threes
My leaves alternate on the stem - they are not whorled or in pairs

Possible matches:

There were 137 matches to your search.

print this native? Acer pensylvanicum - striped maple

print this native? Acer spicatum - mountain maple

print this native? Aesculus pavia - red buckeye

print this native? Alnus incana ssp. rugosa - speckled alder

print this native? Alnus serrulata - hazel alder

print this native? Amelanchier arborea - downy serviceberry

print this native? Amelanchier canadensis - shadblow serviceberry

print this native? Amelanchier laevis - Alleghany serviceberry

print this native? Amelanchier sanguinea - roundleaf serviceberry

print this native? Amorpha fruticosa - desert false indigo

print this native? Andromeda polifolia - bog rosemary

print this native? Aralia spinosa - Devil's walking stick

print this native? Arctostaphylos uva-ursi - kinnikinick

print this native? Aronia arbutifolia - chokeberry

print this native? Aronia melanocarpa - black chokeberry

print this native? Berberis canadensis - American barberry

print this native? Berberis thunbergii - Japanese barberry

print this native? Broussonetia papyrifera - paper mulberry

print this native? Buddleja davidii - butterfly-bush

print this native? Calycanthus floridus - common sweetshrub

print this native? Castanea pumila - Alleghany chinkapin

print this native? Ceanothus americanus - New Jersey tea

print this native? Celtis pumila - dwarf hackberry

print this native? Cephalanthus occidentalis - buttonbush

print this native? Cercis canadensis - eastern redbud

print this native? Chimaphila maculata - striped pipsissewa

print this native? Chimaphila umbellata - prince's pine

print this native? Chionanthus virginicus - fringetree

print this native? Comptonia peregrina - sweetfern

print this native? Cornus alternifolia - alternate-leaf dogwood

print this native? Cornus amomum - silky dogwood

print this native? Cornus canadensis - bunchberry

print this native? Cornus racemosa - gray dogwood

print this native? Cornus sericea - red-osier dogwood

print this native? Corylus americana - American hazel

print this native? Corylus cornuta - beaked hazel

print this native? Crataegus monogyna - oneseed hawthorn

print this native? Cytisus scoparius - Scotch broom

print this native? Deutzia scabra - fuzzy deutzia

print this native? Diervilla lonicera - northern bush-honeysuckle

print this native? Dirca palustris - eastern leatherwood

print this native? Elaeagnus umbellata - autumn-olive

print this native? Epigaea repens - trailing arbutus

print this native? Euonymus alatus - winged euonymus

print this native? Euonymus americanus - strawberry bush

print this native? Euonymus atropurpureus - eastern wahoo

print this native? Forsythia spp. - forsythia

print this native? Frangula alnus - glossy buckthorn

print this native? Gaultheria procumbens - teaberry

print this native? Gaylussacia spp. - huckleberry

print this native? Hamamelis virginiana - witch-hazel

print this native? Hibiscus syriacus - rose-of-sharon

print this native? Hydrangea arborescens - wild hydrangea

print this native? Hydrangea paniculata - panicle hydrangea

print this native? Hypericum spp. - Saint Johnswort

print this native? Ilex montana - mountain holly

print this native? Ilex verticillata - winterberry holly

print this native? Kalmia angustifolia - sheep laurel

print this native? Kalmia latifolia - mountain laurel

print this native? Ligustrum amurense - Amur privet

print this native? Ligustrum vulgare - common privet

print this native? Lindera benzoin - spicebush

print this native? Linnaea borealis - twinflower

print this native? Lonicera canadensis - American fly honeysuckle

print this native? Lonicera maackii - Amur honeysuckle

print this native? Lonicera morrowii - Morrow honeysuckle

print this native? Lonicera tatarica - Tatarian honeysuckle

print this native? Lycium barbarum - goji berry

print this native? Lyonia ligustrina - maleberry

print this native? Malus angustifolia - southern crab apple

print this native? Menziesia pilosa - minniebush

print this native? Mitchella repens - partridgeberry

print this native? Morus alba - white mulberry

print this native? Physocarpus opulifolius - common ninebark

print this native? Pieris floribunda - mountain pieris

print this native? Poncirus trifoliata - trifoliate orange

print this native? Prunus alleghaniensis - Allegheny plum

print this native? Prunus americana - American plum

print this native? Prunus angustifolia - Chickasaw plum

print this native? Prunus virginiana - choke cherry

print this native? Ptelea trifoliata - hoptree

print this native? Pyrularia pubera - buffalo nut

print this native? Quercus ilicifolia - bear oak

print this native? Quercus prinoides - dwarf chinquapin oak

print this native? Rhamnus cathartica - common buckthorn

print this native? Rhododendron calendulaceum - flame azalea

print this native? Rhododendron catawbiense - Catawba rhododendron

print this native? Rhododendron maximum - great rhododendron

print this native? Rhododendron periclymenoides - pink azalea

print this native? Rhodotypos scandens - jet blackbead

print this native? Rhus aromatica - fragrant sumac

print this native? Rhus copallinum - shining sumac

print this native? Rhus glabra - smooth sumac

print this native? Rhus typhina - staghorn sumac

print this native? Ribes cynosbati - prickly gooseberry

print this native? Ribes lacustre - prickly currant

print this native? Ribes rotundifolium - Appalachian gooseberry

print this native? Robinia hispida - bristly locust

print this native? Rubus odoratus - purple flowering raspberry

print this native? Salix alba - white willow

print this native? Salix caprea - goat willow

print this native? Salix discolor - pussy willow

print this native? Salix exigua - sandbar willow

print this native? Salix lucida - shining willow

print this native? Salix purpurea - purpleosier willow

print this native? Salvia officinalis - common sage

print this native? Sambucus nigra ssp. canadensis - American elderberry

print this native? Sambucus racemosa - red elderberry

print this native? Sibbaldiopsis tridentata - three-toothed-cinquefoil

print this native? Sideroxylon lycioides - buckthorn bumelia

print this native? Spiraea alba var. alba - narrowleaf spiraea

print this native? Spiraea alba var. latifolia - meadowsweet

print this native? Spiraea japonica - Japanese spiraea

print this native? Staphylea trifolia - bladdernut

print this native? Symphoricarpos albus - snowberry

print this native? Symphoricarpos orbiculatus - coralberry

print this native? Syringa vulgaris - common lilac

print this native? Toxicodendron pubescens - poison-oak

print this native? Toxicodendron radicans - poison-ivy

print this native? Ulex europaeus - common gorse

print this native? Vaccinium corymbosum - highbush blueberry

print this native? Vaccinium macrocarpon - cranberry

print this native? Vaccinium myrtilloides - velvet-leaf blueberry

print this native? Vaccinium oxycoccos - small cranberry

print this native? Vaccinium pallidum - lowbush blueberry

print this native? Vaccinium stamineum - deerberry

print this native? Viburnum acerifolium - mapleleaf viburnum

print this native? Viburnum dentatum - arrowwood

print this native? Viburnum lantanoides - hobblebush

print this native? Viburnum lentago - nannyberry

print this native? Viburnum nudum - possumhaw viburnum

print this native? Viburnum opulus var. americanum - highbush-cranberry

print this native? Viburnum opulus var. opulus - European cranberrybush viburnum

print this native? Viburnum prunifolium - blackhaw

print this native? Viburnum recognitum - smooth arrowwood

print this native? Xanthorhiza simplicissima - yellowroot

print this native? Zanthoxylum americanum - common pricklyash