European cranberrybush viburnum Caprifoliaceae Viburnum
opulus var. opulus L.
symbol: VIOPO
Leaf: Opposite, simple, 3 lobed and coarsely serrated, orbicular, 2 to 4 inches long, concave glands on petiole, dark green above, velvety below.
Flower: White, very showy, 1/2 inch across, occurring in large clusters, outer ring of flowers sterile and larger, many cultivators have only sterile flowers, appearing in mid-spring.
Fruit: Red, 1/4 inch drupe in clusters, ripening in late summer and persisting through the winter.
Twig: Moderate, tan to gray-brown, distinctly ridged, with numerous lenticels; green to reddish brown buds are plump and have 2 visible scales.
Bark: Light brown and stays largely smooth.
Form: Multiple, arching stemmed shrub to 10 feet tall.
Looks like: highbush-cranberry
- mapleleaf viburnum