rose-of-sharon Malvaceae Hibiscus
syriacus L.
symbol: HISY
Leaf: Alternate, simple, coarsely serrated and often three-lobed, ovate or diamond shaped, 2 to 3 inches long, palmately veined from the base, green above, slighter paler below.
Flower: Very showy, 5-petaled, ranging from white to reddish-purple depending on cultivar, 3 to 4 inches across, perfect, blooms most of the summer as long as the plant is actively growing.
Fruit: Ovate, pointed, brown, dry capsule, 3/4 inch long and wide, ripening in late summer and fall, persistent.
Twig: Moderate, light gray-brown to brown, raised leaf scar, hairy stiplues may be present, buds small and not evident.
Bark: Fairly smooth with brown and gray striping.
Form: Small tree or upright shrub up to 10 feet in height, pyramidal crown.