Amur privet Oleaceae Ligustrum
amurense Carrière
symbol: LIAM
Leaf: Opposite, simple, narrowly ovate, 1 to 2 1/2 inches, entire margin, shiny dark green above, lighter and may be somewhat pubescent below, both petiole and midrib pubescent, considered deciduous but may be tardily so.
Flower: Axillary 1 to 2 inch panicles of white flowers, often very dense, very fragrant, appearing in early summer at ends of twigs, individual flowers have long corolla tubes.
Fruit: Bluish black drupe, 1/4 inch in diameter, ripens in late summer and persists.
Twig: Slender, grayish brown, pubescent, small opposite buds with blunt bud scales.
Bark: Smooth, grayish brown.
Form: Upright shrub, many stems, can be somewhat twiggy, reaches heights of 15 feet.
Looks like: border privet
- Japanese privet
- Chinese privet
- common privet