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Dichotomous Leaf Key

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A tree generally has a single upright stem and reaches a height of 20 feet.

Some species are shrubs in harsh climates and trees in moderate climates.

shrub Shrubs are low branching, suckering, or have multiple stems and do not reach 20 feet in height.
bramble Most people recognize brambles, which include roses and blackberries.
vine Vines require some extra help for support. They hold on to the support by twining, growing tendrils, or aerial roots.
My leaf is from a tree
My leaf is from a shrub
My leaf is from a bramble, rose, or soft-wooded shrub with arching canes
My leaf is from a climbing or scrambling vine

Cacti do have leaves - they are reduced to spines.

palm Palms are common in warm regions.
yucca Yuccas can be found in many loacations but are more common is deserts.
slender or scaly vine Slender or Scaly leaves can be found on pines, junipers, and other genera.
broadleaf Broadleaf includes genera with narrow leaves, such as the willows.
Broad leaves
Slender or scaly leaves
My leaf is palm-like
My leaf is slender and strap-like (the yuccas)
I have a cactus, with leaves that are reduced to spines

Broadleaf Arrangement, or phyllotaxy, is a very important id clue. To determine phyllotaxy, look to see how many leaves are attached to the twig at each node. If there are no leaves, look for the arrangement of the buds that can be found at the base of each leaf. If you can not reach the twigs, remember that twigs grow from buds... and they will have the same arrangement as the leaves.


Most woody plants are alternately arranged. The leaves and buds alternate along the stem.

opposite These leaves are oppositely arranged, as are the buds that grow at the base of the leaves.
whorled A few species have whorled leaves, with (usually) 3 leaves and buds at each node.
My leaves are arranged opposite each other, in pairs or in threes
My leaves alternate on the stem - they are not whorled or in pairs

Broadleaves can be simple or compound. Simple leaves have a single blade, compound leaves have several leaflets attached to a common stalk. It can be difficult to distinguish between these two leaf types. It may help to determine what, exactly, is the deciduous unit. Leaves are attached directly to twigs; leaflets are attached to a common stalk that is attached to the twig. Another clue... in late summer, buds can be found on the twig at the base of the leaf. There are never buds on leaf stalks.

simple leaf

A leaf with a single blade is a simple leaf. The leaf stalk is attached directly to a woody twig.

bifoliate leaf The simplest type of compound leaf is a bifoliate leaf, which has two leaflets attached to a common stalk.
trifoliate leaf Trifoliate leaves have three leaflets attached to a common stalk.
palmate leaf Palmate leaves have leaflets that radiate from the end of the central stalk.
pinnate leaf Pinnate leaves have leaflets attached laterally to the central stalk.
bipinnate leaf Bipinnate leaves have pinnate leaflets attached to pinnate leaflets. The whole structure is shed in the fall.
My leaves are simple - they have a petiole that bears a single leaf
My leaves are compound - they have a central stalk with several leaflets

Broadleaf Shape is generally considered in outline.


Heart-shaped, or cordate

deltoid Triangular, or deltoid
lanceolate Long and Narrow, or Lanceolate
obovate Oval, widest above the middle (Obovate)
ovate Oval, widest below the middle (Ovate)
orbicular Round in Outline
wedge-shaped Wedge-shaped
My leaf is heart-shaped
My leaf is long and narrow
My leaf is roughly oval, widest above the midpoint
My leaf is round (in outline)
My leaf is oval to elliptical, widest at or below the midpoint
My leaf is wedge-shaped

This leaf has rounded lobes (the parts that stick out) and sinuses (the parts that stick in).

no lobes This leaf is unlobed.
My leaf has obvious lobes
My leaf has no obvious lobes (but may have teeth)


serrate Serrated
toothed Toothed
wavy Wavy
rolled Rolled
spiny Spiny
My leaf has a serrated leaf margin - the edge resembles saw teeth
My leaf has a smooth leaf margin (but may have large teeth)
My leaf is spine-tipped
thick leaves

Thick and leathery, often evergreen

thin leaves Thin and easy to tear
My leaf has is thin and easy to tear
My leaf has thick and leathery, maybe evergreen

Possible matches:

There were 12 matches to your search.

print this native? Alnus incana ssp. tenuifolia - thinleaf alder

print this native? Betula uber - roundleaf birch

print this native? Davidia involucrata - dove tree

print this native? Malus fusca - Oregon crabapple

print this native? Morus alba - white mulberry

print this native? Morus rubra - red mulberry

print this native? Populus deltoides - eastern cottonwood     Landowner Factsheet

print this native? Populus heterophylla - swamp cottonwood

print this native? Prunus fremontii - desert apricot

print this native? Pyrus calleryana - Callery pear

print this native? Tilia americana - American basswood

print this native? Tilia cordata - littleleaf linden