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So far you have made the following choices...
A tree generally has a single upright stem and reaches a height of 20 feet. Some species are shrubs in harsh climates and trees in moderate climates. |
Shrubs are low branching, suckering, or have multiple stems and do not reach 20 feet in height. | |
Most people recognize brambles, which include roses and blackberries. | |
Vines require some extra help for support. They hold on to the support by twining, growing tendrils, or aerial roots. |
Cacti do have leaves - they are reduced to spines. |
Palms are common in warm regions. | |
Yuccas can be found in many loacations but are more common is deserts. | |
Slender or Scaly leaves can be found on pines, junipers, and other genera. | |
Broadleaf includes genera with narrow leaves, such as the willows. |
Slender or Scaly Leaves
Long and slender needles can be single or in clusters. |
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Short, stiff needles can be scale-like or sharp and awl-like. |
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Single or Clustered Long Slender Leaves?
Trees with single needles can be distinguished by how the needles are attached to the twig. Yew and Douglas-fir have tiny petioles (leaf stalks). Spruce needles grow on woody pegs. Firs have a swollen "suction cup" at the base of the needle. |
Pines have needles in clusters or bundles called fascicles. A quick and easy way to distinguish between the pines is to count the needles in the fascicle. |
There were 14 matches to your search.
 Artemisia californica - coastal sagebrush
 Artemisia filifolia - sand sagebrush
 Baccharis pteronioides - yerba de pasmo
 Baccharis sarothroides - desertbroom
 Cassiope mertensiana - white mountain heather
 Cephalotaxus fortunei - Chinese plum-yew
 Cytisus scoparius - Scotch broom
 Ephedra spp. - Mormon-tea
 Ericameria linearifolia - narrowleaf goldenbush
 Ericameria nauseosa - gray rabbitbrush
 Ericameria palmeri - Palmer's goldenbush
 Pinus quadrifolia - Parry pine