mahala mat Rhamnaceae Ceanothus
prostratus Benth.
symbol: CEPR
Leaf: Opposite, simple, persistent, small (1/4 to 1 inch long), thick and leathery, narrow with sparse sharp teeth near apex, dark green and shiny above and paler below, petiole very short.
Flower: Perfect and complete small blue to lavender flowers borne in loose terminal clusters.
Fruit: Small, almost round capsule up to 1/4 inch in diameter, each lobe has a dorsal horn, occur in clusters.
Twig: Lateral branchlets are short, rigid, and spur-like, opposite, initially reddish brown and hairy, but turning smooth and gray.
Bark: Reddish brown and smooth when young, becoming gray-brown with age.
Form: A prostrate evergreen shrub that forms dense carpet-like mats up to 10 feet across; branches often root at their nodes.
Looks like: Point Reyes ceanothus
- narrowleaf buckbrush
- blueblossom
- snowbrush