Point Reyes ceanothus Rhamnaceae Ceanothus
gloriosus J.T. Howell
symbol: CEGL
Leaf: Opposite, simple, and persistent, elliptical to nearly round, 3/4 to 2 inches long, thick and heavily toothed (holly-like), distinctly penniveined, dark green above and paler beneath.
Flower: Small, deep blue to purple, in large clusters along the branches on short, thick stalks, appearing in spring to early summer.
Fruit: Rounded capsules with 3 small apical horns, often sticky, 1/6 inch long, each capsule contains about 12 small, black shiny seeds.
Twig: Distinctly angled, green or reddish brown with a fine covering of hair.
Bark: Reddish brown and smooth when young, becoming gray-brown with age.
Form: Broadleaf evergreen ground cover, 1 to 3 feet tall, typically low spreading or mounded with arching branches that root adventitiously.
Looks like: mahala mat