VT Student Demonstrations

Fall Semester, 2005

All student presentations cover a specific Life Science Standard of Learning. Presentations are designed for a 50-minute class period, but can be tailored to suit your class schedule. To schedule a presentaion, first check the master calendar. Find a date that is not taken, and request a presentation by e-mailing the student directly. Please allow at least 48 hours to schedule a presentation. If you encounter any problems, contact Jeff Kirwan, 540-231-7265 or Tracey Sherman, 540-231-7671.

For more information about individual presentations, please click on the student's name below:

Student Name
Beth Doty
SOL - LS.12
Completely booked; no longer available! 10/11/05
Matthew Carroll
SOL - LS.13
Available Fridays
Laura Hendrick
SOL - LS.12
Available Mondays and Fridays
Samuel Rorabaugh
SOL - LS.12
Available Tuesdays and Thursdays after 12:30 pm
James Walker
SOL - LS.12
Available before 1:00 pm on Fridays
Ruth Williams
SOL - LS.4, LS.12, & BIO.5
Available Mondays and Wednesdays after 11:00 am

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