Oglethorpe oak Fagaceae Quercus
oglethorpensis Duncan
symbol: QUOG
Leaf: Alternate, simple, 3 to 7 inches long, elliptical to oblanceolate, unlobed or somewhat sinuate, shiny dark green above and pale fuzzy below.
Flower: Species is monoecious; male flowers borne on hanging slender catkins; females borne on short spikes, appearing with the leaves in spring.
Fruit: Acorns are 5/8 inch long, 1/3 to 1/2 covered by a thin, bowl-shaped cap with appressed light brown scales, matures in the fall after two years.
Twig: Slender, olive-green to orange-brown, quite lustrous with conical, pointed, red-brown buds.
Bark: Gray-brown, tight and quite hard, with broad, irregular ridges and very shallow furrows.
Form: A medium sized tree to 70 feet with pyramidal to oval and later rounded crown. Lateral lower branches often droop.
Looks like: willow oak
- water oak
- bluejack oak
- Darlington oak