Oregon crabapple Rosaceae Malus
fusca (Raf.) C.K. Schneid.
symbol: MAFU
Leaf: Simple, alternate, deciduous, shape is variable with some leaves irregularly lobed (1-3 lobes) and others unlobed, margins are always irregularly serrated; shape is generally ovate to elliptical, base wedge-shaped to round, apex is pointed, 2 to 4 inches long with a stout long petiole, dark green to yellow-green above and paler and somewhat pubescent below.
Flower: Perfect flowers are white to pink with 5 showy petals, inferior ovary, numerous stamens, borne in clusters in late-spring.
Fruit: Small egg-shaped pomes about 1/2 inch in diameter, yellow-green to red, edible but very tart; grow in dense clusters on the branches.
Twig: Moderately slender, initially gray pubescent but becoming smooth and reddish brown, older branches gray-brown and contain abundant spur shoots.
Bark: Older bark is grey-brown, finely fissured and scaly.
Form: A large deciduous shrub or small tree that can grow up to 40 feet in height, commonly grows in thickets.
Looks like: hawthorn
- apple
- Callery pear
- choke cherry