Chinese Douglas-fir Pinaceae Pseudotsuga
sinensis Dode
Leaf: Evergreen flat needles, to 1 inch long, irregularly two ranked, generally blunt tipped, attached singly and lack a woody peg or suction cup attachment, blue-green to green above, bluish bands below.
Flower: Species is monoecious; males oblong, red turning to pale yellow, appearing near branch tips in clusters; females reddish with long bracts, appearing near branch tips in spring.
Fruit: Very distinctive dark brown cone, 4 inches long by 2 1/2 wide, round scales with obvious three-lobed bracts protruding beyond cone scales, maturing in late summer.
Twig: Slender, reddish brown, may or not be gray pubescent, with long sharp, pointed, reddish brown buds.
Bark: Smooth gray-brown when young, becoming darker, reddish brown and deeply furrowed with rounded ridges.
Form: Large sized tree reaching up to 165 feet tall; crowns more spreading than North American Douglas-firs.
Looks like: Douglas-fir
- bigcone Douglas-fir
- bristlecone fir
- western hemlock