ejoton Fabaceae Ebenopsis
confinis (Standl.) Britton & Rose
symbol: EBCO
Leaf: Alternate, evergreen, bipinnately compound, 1/2 to 2 inches long, with 2 pairs of major leaflets and 2 to 5 pairs of minor leaflets, each leaflet 1/4 inch long, thickened, oval to elliptical, gray-green above, paler below.
Flower: Small, yellowish white, fluffy heads in pom-pom clusters 1/2 to 1 inches across, fragrant.
Fruit: A 4 to 5 inch legume, very thick, woody and heavy, containing round black seeds (1/2 inch across), dark brown when ripe in the fall, splits open but remain on the tree for a long time.
Twig: Moderately stout, gray, zigzag, with a pair of slender spines (up to 1/2 inch long) at the base of each leaf.
Bark: Gray-brown to reddish brown, initially smooth but becoming quite scaly.
Form: Multi-stemmed large shrub to small tree (up to 15 feet) with a spreading crown.
Looks like: catclaw acacia
- guajillo
- sweet acacia
- Texas ebony