desertbroom Asteraceae Baccharis
sarothroides A. Gray
symbol: BASA2
Leaf: Alternate, drought deciduous, may be reduced to scales, to 1 1/2 inch by 1/8 wide, entire or with teeth, bright green above and below, may be sticky.
Flower: Species is dioecious; white, in racemes, displayed in 1/4 inch flowerheads, early winter.
Fruit: A small achene tipped with long feathery white bristles, often in great abundance, giving the plant a silvery/creamy look.
Twig: Slender, bright green, angular, densely branched like a broom.
Bark: Gray-brown, becoming ridged and furrowed.
Form: A shrub to 10 feet with very dense branches.
Looks like: yerba de pasmo
- coyotebrush
- Emory's baccharis