Utah juniper Cupressaceae Juniperus
osteosperma (Torr.) Little
symbol: JUOS
Leaf: Evergreen, scale-like, most are tight to the twig in opposite pairs resulting in a slightly square twig, on vigorous shoots a few are awl-like and point away from the twig, no gland so leaves typically lack any resin; yellow-green.
Flower: Species is usually monoecious; males are small pale yellow in large clusters at ends of twigs; females are small, round pale green.
Fruit: Berry-like cones, round, 1/4 to 1/2 inch in diameter, bluish glaucous when young but turning reddish brown and dry when mature, usually 2 seeds per cone (may have 1), mature in two growing seasons.
Twig: Slender, initially covered with tight, yellow-green, scale-like leaves and somewhat angular, later turning reddish brown.
Bark: Gray with very irregular furrows and scaly ridges; stays rather thin.
Form: Small, shrubby tree or large bush up to 25 feet tall; typically branches low and develops a rounded crown.
Looks like: oneseed juniper
- Rocky Mountain juniper
- alligator juniper
- Arizona cypress