beautybush Caprifoliaceae Kolkwitzia
amabilis Graebn.
symbol: KOAM80
Leaf: Opposite, simple, ovate, 1 1/2 to 3 inches long, entire or with a few sparse shallow teeth, long tip, dull green above, paler below.
Flower: Pink, bell shaped, 1 inch long, in showy, numerous clusters, appearing in late spring.
Fruit: Hairy, bristly capsule, 1/4 inch long in loose clusters.
Twig: Slender, at first fuzzy, but later glabrous; buds small.
Bark: Light brown, it splits vertically and eventually peels and exfoliates.
Form: Arching, spreading shrub, graceful hanging branches, reaches 8 feet tall, usually as wide as it is tall.
Looks like: old fashioned weigela
- glossy abelia
- fuzzy deutzia
- Amur honeysuckle