European mockorange Hydrangeaceae Philadelphus
coronarius L.
symbol: PHCO7
Leaf: Opposite, simple, oblong to ovate, coarsely to not serrated, 2 to 4 inches long, green above, lighter below.
Flower: White, four petals, yellow anthers, 1 inch across, fragrant, appearing in early summer.
Fruit: Dry, four-parted capsule, 1/2 inch long, persistent.
Twig: Slender, light brown to reddish brown, raised leaf scar, 3 bundle scars, hidden bud.
Bark: Light brown, coarsely shreddy.
Form: Shrub, with an overall rounded shape and arching branches.
Looks like: scentless mockorange
- mockorange
- hoary mockorange
- beautybush