What Have Trees Done for You Lately?

by: Lauren Stull

  • Objectives
    • Introduce the concept of trees as a renewable resource.
    • Explain tree growth using photosynthesis.
    • Introduce students to the wide variety of forest products.
  • What is a renewable resource?
    • Define renewable resource and provide examples of renewable resources.
    • Determine why trees are a renewable resource.
  • How do trees eat and grow?
    • Photosynthesis allows plants to make their food.
    • Explain the inputs and outputs in photosynthesis.
    • Why is photosynthesis important to humans?
      • food
      • oxygen
      • wood products
  • What do trees provide for you?
    • Paper
      • History of paper
      • Paper-making process
      • Let's make paper of our own!
    • Other wood products
      • Discussion and activities to include:
        • Pencils, flooring, oriented-strand board, chewing gum, football helmets, blackboards, houses, and many more.........

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