Cathy Carr

Renewable Resources (Covers 6.9)

  • Introduction:
    • What is the meaning of renewable resources and what are some examples?
    • Why is it important to manage renewable resources?
  • Main Body:
    • Erosion - Hands on project: erosion in a bottle
      • What is it? what are some major contributors?
      • BMP'S
      • What does this have to do with managing renewable resources?
    • Logging Practices
      • Clearcutting, thinning, shelterwood, etc.
      • Purpose of each practice and in what type of situation would it be used
    • What kind of benefits can be realized from managing these resources?
    • Increased profits (increased growth in timber, incrased land value, etc)
    • Better future growing conditions
  • Conclusion:
    • Why and how does managing renewable resources play an important role in the future well being of natural resources?


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