A Burning Issue

by Jeanette Phelps

1. Nothing in nature is static – disturbance is the main driving force behind succession

a. DEF: succession

QUESTION : Anyone know some examples of succession?

~ Recently cooled volcanic islands

~ Sand dunes

~ Rubble remaining from retreating glacier

~ Clearcut

~ Burned forest

b. DEF: Primary, Secondary

2. Because of succession, animals and plants must adapt

a. DEF: adaptation

QUESTION : Who has an example of adaptation in an animal…a plant?

~ Thorns on plants discourage herbivores from eating them

~ Chemicals that make plants distasteful/harmful to herbivores

~ Spots on newborn fawn

b. Examples related to fire adaptations

~ Tree's ability to with stand fire (extra thick bark to protect “inner organs” of tree)

~ Seeds that only germinate after intense heat

~ RCW's build homes in longleaf/loblolly b/c these species are less likely to burn down when fire sweeps through

3. What do you know about forest fires? Anything and everything .

~ Fire Triangle – O2, heat, fuel

~ DEMO (hands-on)

QUESTION : Other factors? Causes of fires?

~ Wind

~ Relative humidity

~ Temp

~ Precipitation

4. Consequences of Fire

~ Demographics – biodiversity, population fluctuation, habitat change


~ Kirtland's Warbler

5. Humans

QUESTION : How do we as a nation think about fire? Good, bad, indifferent? ( Bambii , Smokey)

~ Native Americans and European settlers

~ Prescribed burns and “let-burn” policies


  1. What are the three components of a fire triangle?
  2. What factors affect fire ignition, size, speed of movement, and duration?
  3. How are biodiversity and populations influenced by fire?
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