desert ceanothus Rhamnaceae Ceanothus
greggii A. Gray
symbol: CEGR
Leaf: Opposite, simple, evergreen, 1/3 to 3/4 inch long, oval to obovate, margins entire or often toothed, thick and leathery, usually cupped, gray-green above, more velvety and paler beneath, very short petiole.
Flower: Species is monoecious; small, white or faded blue occurring in small (1 inch across) loose clusters in leaf axils, often in abundance, appearing in spring.
Fruit: Round capsule 1/4 inch across, may have horn like or warty projections, ripening in late summer.
Twig: Gray to reddish gray with velvety white hairs, numerous opposite, short twigs, buds very small and reddish gray.
Bark: Initially light gray and smooth, becoming darker and rough with age.
Form: A small round shrub reaching up to 6 feet with numerous short, stiff side branches.
Looks like: narrowleaf buckbrush
- redstem ceanothus
- snowbrush
- Fendler's ceanothus