mountain maple Aceraceae Acer
spicatum Lam.
symbol: ACSP2
Leaf: Opposite, simple, orbicular, 3 to 4 inches long, 3 sometimes 5 short lobes, broad v-shaped sinuses, coarsely serrated margin; dark yellowish green above and paler, somewhat hairy below.
Flower: Species is monoecious; greenish yellow, in 3 to 6 inch erect, slender, terminal clusters, appearing after the leaves in early summer.
Fruit: Paired samaras, 1/2 inch long, spreading less than 90 degrees, seed cavity indented on one side, occurring in hanging clusters, maturing in late summer.
Twig: Slender, yellow-green in summer, generally pale red in winter with short gray fuzz; buds 1/4 inch long, red with some gray fuzz, stalked and valvate.
Bark: Thin, grayish brown to light brown, initially smooth but later splitting and developing shallow furrows.
Form: Large shrub or small, tree up to 25 feet tall and 6 inches in diameter.
Looks like: striped maple
- red maple
- sycamore maple