Landowner Fact Sheets

sweetbay magnolia Magnolia virginiana

Sweetbay is a common small tree of southeastern lowlands. It is widely planted for its attractive flowers and small stature.

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A vigorous stump and root sprouter, sweetbay responds to disturbances but repeated fire may eliminate it.

A small tree found in Coastal Plain wetlands of the southeastern U.S.


A small tree typically not over 20 feet in height and multi-stemmed, grows taller in the south.

Timber Value
Sweetbay is too small to be considered a timber tree.

Wildlife Value
A variety of birds and squirrels eat the seeds. Deer and bears browse the twigs.
Attracts squirrels, birds, turkey, quail, deer, bears

Insects and Diseases

Fun Facts
Widely used as an ornamental and is an attractive small tree.

Latin Meaning
Magnolia: after Pierre Magnol, French botanist / virginiana: of Virginia

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Landowner Factsheets © 2004 Virginia Tech Forestry Department, all rights reserved. Text, images, and programming by: Dr. Jeff Kirwan, Dr. John R. Seiler, John A. Peterson, Edward C. Jensen, Guy Phillips, or Andrew S. Meeks.