dawn redwood Cupressaceae Metasequoia glyptostroboides

Leaf:Opposite, deciduous, linear, one inch long, flat, generally appearing two-ranked in a flattened display; when growing on deciduous branchlets the leaf/deciduous branchlet structure resembles a feathery pinnately (or bi-pinnately) compound leaf, green to yellow-green.
Flower:Species is monoecious; males, light yellow brown, in narrow hanging clusters up to 12 inches long; females, yellow-green, solitary and erect with fused scales.
Fruit:Four-sided, box-like cones that hang on long stalks, round to cylindrical in shape, 1/2 to 1 inch long, light brown; peltate shields contain small, winged seeds, matures in late fall.
Twig:May be deciduous or not; non-deciduous twigs are slender, light reddish brown in color, smooth, with short, buff colored, opposite, cylindrical buds protruding at right angles; deciduous twigs are two-ranked, resembling pinnately compound leaves.
Bark:Reddish brown, fibrous and stringy, develops an irregular fluted pattern, exfoliates in strips, rope-like in appearance.
Form:Very straight, single trunk with numerous branches forming a narrow conical crown; capable of reaching heights well over 100 feet tall.

leaf flower fruit twig bark form map
