wild blackberry Rosaceae Rubus ursinus
Leaf:Alternate, pinnately compound (usually 3 leaflets), persistent (often barely); leaflets ovate, lobed and doubly serrate, 1 1/2 to 3 inches long, dark green above and paler below. Rachis and petiole armed with slender, easily detached prickles.
Flower:Species is usually dioecious; mostly imperfect, white to pink, 1 to 2 inches across, narrow petals, borne in clusters.
Fruit:Black aggregate of drupelets about 1/2 inch long, very edible.
Twig:Slender, round, and green to red, but covered with a white, waxy bloom, armed with slender straight or recurved prickles that detach easily.
Form:A climbing or trailing evergreen shrub with round, slender branches that commonly reach 10 to 20 feet in length. Young stems are erect, but arch as they lengthen, rapidly touching the ground and rooting at the nodes.