FORSite>Contents>The Forest Community
The Forest Community
do these forest animals depend upon watersheds?
Brook Trout (Salvelinus
fontinalis) Fish, like the brook trout spend their entire life cycle in the water. Without good water, fish cannot breathe, eat, or reproduce. |
Green Treefrog (Hyla cinerea) Amphibians like the green treefrog spend most of their life cycle on land, but they reproduce in water. Without good water, amphibians cannot reproduce well, if at all. |
American Black Bear(Ursus americanus) Terrestrial animals like the American black bear do not spend any of their life cycles in the water, but they need to drink water to survive. Without good water, these animals will relocate to a place with better water, and those that cannot relocate will die. |
Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) Birds of prey like the bald eagle do not live in the water, but they eat the fish that do. If the water quality is poor (and thus fewer fish), then the bald eagle will relocate to a better area. |
All photos courtesy of the US Fish and Wildlife Service
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