Timber Harvesting and Water Quality

by Jed Rau

I. Introduction

  • What do we need wood for?

  • Wood harvesting is seen as bad, why?

II. Main Body

Water Pollution/Stream protection (LS. 12)

  • Leaf litter/soil erosion example (2 liter bottles mimic forest floor)
  • Stream Buffers (SMZ's)

  • Water bars, erosion fence, hay bales

  • Placement of roads

    Overview of current harvesting methods

Focus on Cable logging

  • Pieces of cable operation

  • Kids take part in example of cable logging with ropes, pulley, and small "trees"
  • Environmental impacts vs. other operations

III. Conclusion

  • Cable logging best for environment
  • Harvesting can be done safely, and still environmentally conscious


  1. What are 3 pieces of equipment used in harvesting timber?
  2. What can be done to protect water quality during and after a harvesting operation?
  3. What type of logging is best for the environment?


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