grand fir Pinaceae Abies grandis

Leaf:Flattened needles, about 3/4 to 2 inches long, dark yellow-green above with 2 white bands below; apex rounded or notched; spirally arranged but flattened into 2 ranks especially lower in the crown; vary in length with lengths alternating on the twig; grow parallel to one another but perpendicular to the twig.
Flower:Species is monoecious; male cones yellowish and borne beneath the leaves; female cones yellowish-green to green and borne upright near the top of the crown.
Fruit:Cones are 2 to 4 inches long, barrel-shaped, and borne upright on the twig; cone scales are deciduous, falling from the cone as seeds ripen; green to purplish green when mature.
Twig:Stiff, olive to reddish brown, and covered with round, flat leaf scars when needles fall. Buds are large, rounded, and covered with pitch; terminal buds usually occur in clusters of three or more.
Bark:When young grayish green and covered with resin blisters; with age becoming 2 to 3 inches thick, grayish brown and mottled, often furrowed with flattened ridges; inner bark is purple-red.
Form:A large evergreen, commonly 150 to 200 feet tall and 3 to 4 feet in diameter. It develops a long narrow crown of dense foliage, often rounded or flat-topped at maturity.

leaf flower fruit twig bark form map
