Leaf Key

So far you have made the following choices...

It could be one of the species in the table below.

Possible Matches:

Family Genus Species common name
Asteraceae Ambrosia chenopodiifolia San Diego bursage
Asteraceae Baccharis halimifolia eastern baccharis
Burseraceae Bursera hindsiana copal
Buxaceae Pachysandra terminalis Japanese pachysandra
Fagaceae Castanea dentata American chestnut
Fagaceae Castanea mollissima Chinese chestnut
Fagaceae Castanea pumila Alleghany chinkapin
Fagaceae Fagus grandifolia American beech
Fagaceae Fagus sylvatica European beech
Fagaceae Lithocarpus densiflorus tanoak
Fagaceae Quercus emoryi Emory oak
Fagaceae Quercus grisea gray oak
Fagaceae Quercus minima running oak
Fagaceae Quercus suber cork oak
Malvaceae Hibiscus syriacus rose-of-sharon
Rosaceae Amelanchier alnifolia Pacific serviceberry
Rosaceae Holodiscus discolor ocean spray
Rosaceae Quillaja saponaria soapbark
Rosaceae Spiraea latifolia broadleaf spirea
Salicaceae Populus grandidentata bigtooth aspen
Ulmaceae Celtis pallida spiny hackberry

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